Weatherproofing and Grounding

inside a small communications station
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding

Ham Radio Tech: RF Management & RF Ground Planes

Sooner or later, hams encounter some RF trickery above and beyond the usual connecting together of gadgets and antennas. This usually happens on the HF bands as a home station […]

ARRL Grounding and Bonding Book
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding

Grounding and Bonding for Portable Amateur Radio Stations

Operating from a temporary setup—in a park, on a summit, from a rare grid or county, or for a special event—has become very popular. This is a great thing for […]

3M Weatherproofing Tape
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding

DX Engineering Winter Purchasing Guide (Part 1): Put Station Weatherproofing Tops on Your To-Do List

As the weather turns colder and Contest Season fades into the past for another year, it’s a good time to think about shack upgrades and smart maintenance practices to keep […]

ground radial installation diagram
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding

How Many, How Long: Advice for Installing Ground or Above Ground Radials

Installing a radial system is a must for any quarter-wave vertical antenna system. Without one, a vertical antenna is only half complete. The radials are the second half of the […]

copper strap for grounding electrical equipment
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding

Copper Strap vs. Copper Braid in Amateur Radio Grounding

Tinned-copper braid has been around for a long, long time. It’s been used in many grounding applications because of its flexibility and ease of soldering. It’s great for grounding radio […]

Lightning Protector for coaxial cable
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding

The Importance of Weatherproofing Lightning Protectors

Most amateur radio operators (hams) know they should weatherproof any coaxial cable connections that are outdoors to prevent moisture entering your coax connectors. However, many hams don’t realize you must […]

Ham Radio coaxial cable Lightning protector
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding

How to Test RF Lightning Protectors with Indicators

RF lightning protectors are designed to protect RF equipment by equalizing the potential difference between the center pin of the coax cable and its shield. The majority of RF protectors do […]