Passive RFI Generators Inside and Outside Your Station
It is not unusual to be able to hear the harmonics of a nearby transmitter, amateur radio or not. No signal is a perfect sine wave and it’s easy to […]
It is not unusual to be able to hear the harmonics of a nearby transmitter, amateur radio or not. No signal is a perfect sine wave and it’s easy to […]
ARRL Field Day 2023 (June 24-25) is rapidly approaching. Are you ready? Here are a few friendly reminders to help make this year’s event the most successful ever. Be Prepared […]
SummertimeOperatin’ is easySunspots jumpin’Your antenna’s up highThe openings switchThose bands just keep changin’The regions and seasonsTell you why(apologies to George Gershwin and DuBose Heyward) It seems like just a few […]
With ARRL Field Day 2023 only a few weeks away (June 24-25), you should hopefully already have everything you need for a successful operation. But it never hurts to double- […]
It’s true that food is an integral part of many Field Day weekends, allowing operators to maintain their strength during long operating sessions. But since five-bean salads and nachos aren’t […]
In previous articles we’ve discussed the point of the exercise as well as the basic rules. This post is about my favorite topic…Bonus Points! I belong to an amateur radio […]
Antennas are such a critical part of Field Day (June 24-25) that we’re devoting another part of this series to highlighting some of the best options available at Since […]
For many amateur radio clubs, Field Day is the biggest event on their calendar. Many hams who don’t participate in contesting or DXing throughout the year find themselves excited to […]
What is Field Day? It is an event where hams in the United States and Canada attempt to contact as many stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-,15- […]
Could there be anything about ham radio less exciting than a coaxial cable? If your heart skips a beat and your eyes widen at the sight of the latest SDR […]