Technical Articles

radio waveforms and spectrum infographic
Technical Articles

Passive RFI Generators Inside and Outside Your Station

It is not unusual to be able to hear the harmonics of a nearby transmitter, amateur radio or not. No signal is a perfect sine wave and it’s easy to […]

woman at desk of a ham radio station
Field Day

Five Tips for a Successful Field Day

ARRL Field Day 2023 (June 24-25) is rapidly approaching. Are you ready? Here are a few friendly reminders to help make this year’s event the most successful ever. Be Prepared […]

an illustration of the earth and propagation of radio waves
Field Day / Technical Articles

HF Summertime Propagation…with Propagation Advice for Field Day

SummertimeOperatin’ is easySunspots jumpin’Your antenna’s up highThe openings switchThose bands just keep changin’The regions and seasonsTell you why(apologies to George Gershwin and DuBose Heyward) It seems like just a few […]

DX Engineering pop-up Canopy tent
Field Day / Products & Product Reviews

Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2023 (Part 5): Headsets, Foot Switches, DX Engineering Logo Apparel and More

With ARRL Field Day 2023 only a few weeks away (June 24-25), you should hopefully already have everything you need for a successful operation. But it never hurts to double- […]

Ai Power generator
Field Day / Products & Product Reviews

Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2023 (Part 4): Batteries, Power Supplies, Generators, and Solar Power Products for Field Day

It’s true that food is an integral part of many Field Day weekends, allowing operators to maintain their strength during long operating sessions. But since five-bean salads and nachos aren’t […]

reporter interviewing ham radio operators during field day
Events / Field Day

ARRL Field Day–How to Earn Bonus Points

In previous articles we’ve discussed the point of the exercise as well as the basic rules. This post is about my favorite topic…Bonus Points! I belong to an amateur radio […]

JPC Vertical antenna kit
Field Day / Technical Articles

Preparing for ARRL Field Day 2023 (Part 3): NVIS Antennas, OCF Antenna Kits, 6M Action, and More

Antennas are such a critical part of Field Day (June 24-25) that we’re devoting another part of this series to highlighting some of the best options available at Since […]

field day ham radio station
Field Day / Technical Articles

ARRL Field Day 2023: Basic Rules

For many amateur radio clubs, Field Day is the biggest event on their calendar. Many hams who don’t participate in contesting or DXing throughout the year find themselves excited to […]

Ham radio Field Day Table Setup
Field Day / HAM Radio 101 / Technical Articles

Ham Radio 101: ARRL Field Day—The Importance of the Exercise

What is Field Day? It is an event where hams in the United States and Canada attempt to contact as many stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-,15- […]

close up of a dx engineering connector on coaxial cable
Field Day / Technical Articles

Preparing for ARRL Field Day 2023 (Part 1): How Are Your Coaxial Cables Looking These Days?

Could there be anything about ham radio less exciting than a coaxial cable? If your heart skips a beat and your eyes widen at the sight of the latest SDR […]