Technical Articles

Technical Articles

AUXC Qualification in Ohio

Most people know about the AUXCOMM course from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For those who do not, here is a quick rundown from my previous AUXCOMM article: The […]

Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: Do Snow, Rain, and Ice Affect Antennas?

Yesterday, a heavy rainstorm caused some high SWR readings to appear on my station’s power meter. I thought things would return to normal after the storm passed, which they eventually […]

Technical Articles

Amateur Radio Guide to Following CEPT and FCC License Rules

The following article is co-authored by John Crovelli, W2GD and Ward Silver, NØAX. It took a global pandemic to raise our general awareness of amateur radio licensing reciprocity and remote […]

Technical Articles

What is Amateur Radio Direction Finding?

Also known as fox hunting or radiosport, amateur radio direction finding (ARDF)is a sport that combines the use of ham radio gear, a topographic map, a magnetic compass, and orienteering […]

Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

In the Loop: Delta Loop Antennas

Looking for a wire antenna that’s inexpensive, easy to build, and works great for DX above 40m? A delta loop and its variants can make an effective single-band or multiband […]

HAM Radio 101 / Technical Articles

Mobile Radio Installation for Beginners

You can find a lot of information on any ham radio subject. People will tell you that you need to do this setup or that setup. Who should you listen […]

Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: HT Bluetooth and Phone Connection Issues

One of the biggest things I was excited about when I got my Kenwood TH-D74 was Bluetooth connectivity. I would put it in my window and use the TNC on […]

Diagram with examples of quarter-wave and twelfth-wave synchronous transformers. (Graphic courtesy of the ARRL)
Technical Articles

Q-Section Feed Line Transformers

What the heck is a Q-section? Long a tool of antenna system designers, the Q-section is a handy way to make a single-band match between a feed line and an […]

Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: Winlink on iPhone/iPad!

I have previously written about ham radio software for the Mac and a companion piece about applications for iOS on the iPhone and iPad. My greatest struggle was always Winlink. […]

Technical Articles

Receivers and Busy Bands

Beginning in early fall, weekends start to fill up with “the majors”—contests that attract thousands of stations which fill the bands with strong signals. November and December are the most […]