AUXC Qualification in Ohio
Most people know about the AUXCOMM course from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For those who do not, here is a quick rundown from my previous AUXCOMM article: The […]
Most people know about the AUXCOMM course from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For those who do not, here is a quick rundown from my previous AUXCOMM article: The […]
Yesterday, a heavy rainstorm caused some high SWR readings to appear on my station’s power meter. I thought things would return to normal after the storm passed, which they eventually […]
The following article is co-authored by John Crovelli, W2GD and Ward Silver, NØAX. It took a global pandemic to raise our general awareness of amateur radio licensing reciprocity and remote […]
Also known as fox hunting or radiosport, amateur radio direction finding (ARDF)is a sport that combines the use of ham radio gear, a topographic map, a magnetic compass, and orienteering […]
Looking for a wire antenna that’s inexpensive, easy to build, and works great for DX above 40m? A delta loop and its variants can make an effective single-band or multiband […]
You can find a lot of information on any ham radio subject. People will tell you that you need to do this setup or that setup. Who should you listen […]
One of the biggest things I was excited about when I got my Kenwood TH-D74 was Bluetooth connectivity. I would put it in my window and use the TNC on […]
What the heck is a Q-section? Long a tool of antenna system designers, the Q-section is a handy way to make a single-band match between a feed line and an […]
I have previously written about ham radio software for the Mac and a companion piece about applications for iOS on the iPhone and iPad. My greatest struggle was always Winlink. […]
Beginning in early fall, weekends start to fill up with “the majors”—contests that attract thousands of stations which fill the bands with strong signals. November and December are the most […]