Technical Articles

Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: Winlink on iPhone/iPad!

I have previously written about ham radio software for the Mac and a companion piece about applications for iOS on the iPhone and iPad. My greatest struggle was always Winlink. […]

Technical Articles

Receivers and Busy Bands

Beginning in early fall, weekends start to fill up with “the majors”—contests that attract thousands of stations which fill the bands with strong signals. November and December are the most […]

Grounding System Diagram
Technical Articles

How to Improve Ham Radio Station Grounds

After antennas, station grounding is probably the most discussed topic in amateur radio. It’s also the one having the most misconceptions—or is that myth-conceptions? One of the biggest myths: Ground […]

Impedance Inversion Diagram
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: When 450 Is Not 450

450…where have I heard that number before? Seems familiar…Oh, right…450Ω window line! Yes, that’s the nominal characteristic impedance of the black plastic-coated parallel conductor transmission line like DX Engineering’s DXE-LL450-CTL. […]

Propagation Graph
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Dipoles–A Domestic Secret Weapon

The dipole is the oldest antenna—Herr Professor Heinrich Hertz used a dipole in his 1888 experiments that confirmed Maxwell’s predictions of electromagnetic waves. The dipole (the word means “two voltage […]

Ground Screen Installed in Yard
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: Ground Screens–the “Magic Carpet”?

Operating portable is always a challenge, particularly with HF antennas that are usually close to the ground and quite a bit smaller than a full quarter- or half-wave. Verticals, especially […]

Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Guide to Unusual Ham Radio Antennas

We’ve all heard of Yagis, dipoles, and G5RVs. But there are other antennas out there that are a bit unusual—either by name or configuration. One even grows… Carolina Windom Going […]

dx engineering utility enclosure filled with cable and junction bus blocks
Technical Articles

Video Spotlight: DXE-UE-2P Utility Enclosure

One of DX Engineering’s most popular and versatile products, the DXE-UE-2P Utility Enclosure Kit is used by hams around the world in a wide range of configurations for the outdoor […]

Technical Articles

Tips on How to Make Your Next Hamfest a Prime Day for Buying or Selling

After parking and waiting in line, you finally make it inside the gates. You drop off your ticket for the prize drawings, and you’re ready to bargain. No two hamfests […]

wire antenna center section and hardware
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Antenna Choices for Successful Portable Operations (Part 1)

When it comes to choosing the right gear for portable operations, you may want to consider the 4 Ps as you make your selections: Portability, Performance, Perfectly Easy Deployment, and, […]