Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
Space, the final frontier for antenna installations. The ham’s ongoing mission: to explore their shrinking lot sizes and seek out smaller antennas that will keep them on the air—ones that […]
Technical Articles
I have written about an amazing program called RadioMail in previous articles. This is an application that allows for Winlink mail to be sent and received on an iPhone or […]
Technical Articles
In this installment of Ham Mobile Install, we will talk about what happens when you have followed the mobile radio installation instructions to the letter, but there is still something […]
Technical Articles
Finding activity on the ham radio bands used to mean tuning around the dial and listening for QSOs, one frequency at a time. We were blind to anything but the […]
Technical Articles
In this installment of Ham Mobile Install, we will discuss powering options for your mobile radios. There are several options to explore, depending on the power of the transceiver and […]
Technical Articles
Coax became popular with hams after World War II when war surplus was plentiful. Hams liked it because it was easy to obtain, relatively inexpensive, and easy to install—much easier […]
Technical Articles
In this installment of Ham Mobile Install, it’s all about mounting options for your mobile radio—the where and how of making sure the transceiver or head is in a place […]
Technical Articles
You just got your first license. Congratulations! Now you are ready to buy your first radio. For many of us, our first radio was a handheld (HT) transceiver. On the […]
Technical Articles
In this installment of Ham Mobile Install, we will talk about selecting a radio, where to mount it in the vehicle, and placing a detachable head. When choosing a mobile […]
Technical Articles
Ask your ham radio friends what a Band Stacking Register is and you’re likely to get some blank stares. Others may pull out their smartphones and do an Internet search. […]