Low-Power Operating: How to Do More With Less
My Ham radio career began like many others. I got a used 100-watt rig, threw a dipole in a tree, and started making contacts. Then I got hooked on working […]
My Ham radio career began like many others. I got a used 100-watt rig, threw a dipole in a tree, and started making contacts. Then I got hooked on working […]
Think one of Icom’s most beloved transceivers, the IC-7300, couldn’t get any better? Think again. IC-7300 owners who have always wanted to view the rig’s panadapter in an easier-to-see format […]
Moisture is the enemy of coaxial cable. Once water or condensation gets into your coax cable or connectors, it can cause problems such as corrosion and high SWR. Fortunately, you […]
So you’re a Technician class license holder? Congratulations on passing that exam! You can be proud—the public is almost completely unaware that Hams have to take an exam and are […]
It’s pretty amazing that with a dual-band HT and a relatively small antenna, Hams can communicate with each other via satellites orbiting overhead several times a day. But as good […]
In an RF system, a dummy load, also known as a “dummy antenna,” is a device that simulates an electrical load, allowing Hams to accurately adjust and test their transmitters […]
You’ve been using remote controls almost all your life. Ask yourself—when was the last time you got out of your chair to change the channel on your TV? Maybe you’ve […]
SOTABeams’ Richard, G3CWI, discusses how to identify and remedy 2-meter interference when operating from a Summits On The Air (SOTA) location. Will attaching a better antenna do the trick? Find […]
There is a lot of confusion about baluns—where you need to use one, what the balun is supposed to accomplish, and even what a balun really is! The term “balun” […]
Most Hams start out DXing on the HF “high bands” of 20 through 10 meters. There are lots of stations active, the antennas are manageable in size and effective height, […]