Technical Articles
In our fourth installment of Sean’s video series, he follows up on his previous video, “Getting on the Linear Satellites,” by operating a recent pass of the XW2A linear satellite […]
Technical Articles
In our third installment of Sean’s video series, he covers the basics of operating linear satellites, including their advantages over FM “birds,” equipment needed for a portable satellite station, a […]
Satellite Operation / Technical Articles
You’ve finally earned that license and now it’s time to get on the air. Hooray! But you need gear, and your piggy bank hasn’t blossomed enough to afford those shiny […]
Technical Articles
Tim Duffy, K3LR, DX Engineering CEO, used the installation of a six meter, ten-element, 48-foot beam Yagi at the K3LR superstation as an opportunity to explain and demonstrate how to […]
Satellite Operation / Technical Articles
In our second installment of Sean Kutzko’s, KX9X, video series on the basics of operating amateur radio satellites, he covers the basics of operating FM satellites, including what gear you’ll […]
Satellite Operation / Technical Articles
Editor’s Note: Welcome to OnAllBands’ new video series on the fun and challenges of contacting Amateur Radio satellites! Your host is Sean Kutzko, KX9X, OnAllBands blogger, former AMSAT Volunteer Coordinator, […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
The half-wave dipole is one of the most basic antennas in all of Ham radio. It also tends to get a bad rap; how many times have you heard somebody—possibly […]
Technical Articles
by Dino Papas × on September 30, 2020 at 7:06 pm ×
I’ve been a Ham for over 50 years, but up until about four years ago I had never had a QSO on 160m! In 2016, I decided that had to […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
The dipole versus vertical question doesn’t really have a single “right” answer, and amateurs will offer different responses based on their individual preferences. It’s almost like the Ford versus Chevy […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
It all started when I wanted to put up an antenna, but it couldn’t be visible from the street. The peak of my roof is 24 feet so that created […]