EMCOMM / Technical Articles
The ability to work together doesn’t always work well inside of an agency or an organization. So, when asking organizations or agencies to work and communicate together, chaos can ensue. […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
Editor’s Note: Over the next several months, OnAllBands will be featuring a series of articles from Harry “Trippy” Brown, AC8S, longtime amateur operator and antenna builder/tester who’s never let his […]
EMCOMM / Technical Articles
Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) supports and encourages the use of all communications modes to relay messages. This article aims to highlight a few digital modes. They are very accurate […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
Editor’s Note: Over the next several months, OnAllBands will be featuring a series of articles from Harry “Trippy” Brown, AC8S, longtime amateur operator and antenna builder/tester who’s never let his […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
A dipole is the go-to antenna for many hams, but why is it so popular? Beacause it’s an inexpensive, yet effective antenna you can build yourself using wire, insulators and […]
Technical Articles
Mom always said to share. That’s good advice, even for hams. But what if sharing is a pain—plugging and unplugging, moving connections, or constantly rewiring to coordinate your station? Sure, […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
Editor’s Note: Over the next several months, OnAllBands will be featuring a series of articles from Harry “Trippy” Brown, AC8S, longtime amateur operator and antenna builder/tester who’s never let his […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
Editor’s Note: Over the next several months, OnAllBands will be featuring a series of articles from Harry “Trippy” Brown, AC8S, longtime amateur operator and antenna builder/tester who’s never let his […]
Technical Articles
In the course of my ham operations, I sometimes hear stations that splatter, some more than others. Last week, there were a couple of DX stations that obviously wanted to […]
Technical Articles
NVIS stands for Near-Vertical Incidence Skywave. It is used for local-to-medium distances on HF. This is the opposite of DX, which is meant for long distances. The radio waves from […]