Technical Articles

SFR RF-100 bandwidth filer control box
Field Day / Technical Articles

Minimizing Interference on Field Day

Whenever two or more transceivers are used in close proximity, there is some level of interference involved. This level can vary from practically no problem at all to actually overloading […]

FT8 frequency settings software screenshot
FT8 / Technical Articles

FT8: Completed and Logged QSOs

What makes an FT8 digital QSO complete and logged? Sometimes you get a signal report back from someone responding with R-10, for example, and then the contact dies there. A […]

FT8: Frequencies, Decibels, and Message Meanings
FT8 / Technical Articles

FT8: Frequencies, Decibels, and Message Meanings

FT8 is a very popular protocol and continually growing. But does everyone understand the nuances? What do all the characters mean? What are the frequencies? Why are the signal reports’ […]

bushcomm wire antenna kit
Field Day / Technical Articles

Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2022 Part 4: Wire Antenna Kits, Masts, Guy Rings and More

In our first three installments of Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2022, we addressed coaxial cable, headsets and foot switches, and power—all important components of a successful weekend (June […]

Emergency Auxcomms patch

EMCOMM: What is AUXCOMM and Why is it Important?

The Department of Homeland Security National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliant program adopted AUXCOMM for all auxiliary emergency/public service communications within most states. AUXCOMM encompasses amateur radio, RACES, CERT Team […]

Portable Generator
Field Day / Technical Articles

Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2022 Part 3: Batteries, Generators, and Power Supplies

One of the exciting aspects of Field Day is the challenge of operating with power sources you’re not accustomed to using, including batteries, generators, and solar panels—even water-driven, bicycle-powered, or […]

woman wearing a headset microphone
Field Day / Products & Product Reviews

Gearing Up for ARRL Field Day 2022 Part 2: Upgrade Your Listening and Transmitting Experience

Last week in our series on getting ready for ARRL Field Day 2022, we began with an upgrade that won’t likely set anyone’s heart aflutter (replacing old coaxial cable), but […]

Field Day

A Guide to May 2022 Ham Radio Contests

Excited about Dayton HamventionÒ 2022, Four Days in May, and Contest University? So are the active hams at DX Engineering! But take note: Hamvention (May 20-22), Four Days in May […]

Rigexpert AA-55 Antenna analyzer
Antennas and Tuners / Technical Articles

Proper Use of Antenna Analyzers for Ham Radio Operators

Antenna analyzers are generally used during the building and tuning of antennas. It’s a tool that helps you physically adjust the length of the antenna and check the entire antenna […]

a mobile emcomm truck and trailer

EMCOMM: What is a Mobile Command Center?

EMCOMM often relies on portability. It is a huge factor for deployment in an emergency or disaster. So it would stand to reason that the next phase in portability and […]