Technical Articles

FT8 ham radio settings screen shot
FT8 / Technical Articles

FT8: Fox and Hound Mode

Fox and Hound mode, often shown as Fox/Hound or F/H, is also known as the DXpedition mode. This mode is a special operating feature that enables DXpeditions to make FT8 […]

a small portable wire antenna
Technical Articles

Going on Vacation? Great Options for Bringing Ham Radio Along for the Trip (Part 3)

In our first two posts offering suggestions for vacation-ready ham radio equipment, we looked at the AlexLoop HamPack Portable Magnetic Loop Antenna System and TransWorld Antenna Packages —excellent choices for […]

AlexLoop Ham Pack
Technical Articles

Going on Vacation? Great Options for Bringing Ham Radio Along for the Trip (Part 2)

In Part 1 of our series on great gear to take along on a vacation, we looked at HF Portable TransWorld Antennas—a proven option that’s ideal if you’re operating from […]

ARRL Grounding and Bonding Book
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding

Grounding and Bonding for Portable Amateur Radio Stations

Operating from a temporary setup—in a park, on a summit, from a rare grid or county, or for a special event—has become very popular. This is a great thing for […]

Emergency Training Sign
EMCOMM / Technical Articles

EMCOMM: What is the Simulated Emergency Test (SET)?

The annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET) is a training exercise involving the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and the National Traffic System (NTS), a message-handling service of amateur radio. The […]

FT8 ham radio spectrum operating chart
FT8 / Technical Articles

FT8: Tech Licensees Can Join, Too

So you want to get into FT8, but you only have a Technician license? No problem! FT8 exists on VHF and up as well. Six meters is really quite popular, […]

Icom IC-7300 ham radio transceiver
FT8 / Technical Articles

FT8: Choosing a Radio and Interface

So you want to get into FT8: What’s the best way to proceed and what equipment is required? To use FT8 you need four things: HF transceiver with data or […]

Screwdriver antenna base
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

What is a Screwdriver Antenna?

When I first heard the term screwdriver antenna, I thought it was a joke. I immediately thought of stories about loading wet noodles, bedsprings, and random trees in the forest […]

Events / FT8 / Technical Articles

Field Day Strategies to Maximize Scores… and Fun

Since 1933, ARRL’s Field Day has been arguably the most popular event in ham radio. It is a rite of passage of sorts, with many hams citing the event as […]

ft8 radio operating software settings screenshot
Field Day / FT8 / Technical Articles

Give FT8 a Try on ARRL Field Day

My all-time favorite ham radio activity is coming up soon—Field Day!! Want to try something new this Field Day, June 25-26? All digital modes can be used, provided they can […]