Should You Use a G5RV Antenna?
A group of us were sitting around a table at the local pizzeria, hashing out the details for the upcoming Field Day. Next on the agenda was antennas—and everyone had […]
A group of us were sitting around a table at the local pizzeria, hashing out the details for the upcoming Field Day. Next on the agenda was antennas—and everyone had […]
A “Cadweld One Shot” is ideal for making permanent, reliable connections to your ground rods. It’s a very cool process that is easy to do and will impress even the […]
Much of the newer ham radio receiving gear uses F-Connectors. Most everyone is familiar with this type of connector. You find them on the back of your TV set, your […]
This is a question many new (and experienced) amateurs face today. There are many styles and types of antenna analyzers available, and it’s not easy to sort them all out, even for […]
Next to guitarist Joe Walsh, WB6ACU, Bob Heil may be Ham Radio’s biggest rock ‘n’ roll superstar. The congenial co-host of the weekly Ham Nation netcast has a lifetime’s worth […]
Some hams with nice radio tables find that their CW operations tend to move the paddle around a bit. Chasing the paddle during a contest can be aggravating as all […]
DX Engineering now offers Color-Coded Ferrite RF Noise Reduction Kits covering a wider range of uses. Kits contain toroids and snap-on beads for specific RF suppression applications (linear amplifiers, AM […]
Q: When should I use a thimble with EHS Guy Wire or Phillystran Guy line Big Grips? A: Whenever a Big Grip is attached to a metal guy bracket or guy anchor, you should always use an appropriately-sized thimble. The thimble […]
Your SWR (standing wave ratio) meter looks at forward (used) power and reflected (wasted) power as a measure of antenna system efficiency. This basic measurement has been used for decades […]