DX Engineering Starter Packages: A Smart Way to Kick Start Your Ham Radio Career
Why do so many Hams study hard to get their Technician licenses but never actually get on the air? Why do operators enter the hobby with great enthusiasm but then […]
Why do so many Hams study hard to get their Technician licenses but never actually get on the air? Why do operators enter the hobby with great enthusiasm but then […]
Say you’re a contester who’s serious about winning, or a DXer truly trying to “work the world,” even the rarest of the rare. You’ve got a killer setup–three high-quality stacked […]
For those chomping at the bit to get their hands on ICOM’s IC-705 HF/50/144/430 MHz All Mode Portable Transceiver, you can get ahead of the game by having an upgraded […]
Raise your hand if you fondly recall the days when raising or lowering a heavy vertical antenna was a multi-person job, fraught with dangers and, perhaps, accompanied by a spray […]
One of our favorite subjects at OnAllBands is tools. We get excited about anything that makes tough jobs around the shack safer, easier, and more convenient. So when a tool […]
In honor of DX Engineering’s upcoming combined DXE Virtual Hamfest and DX Academy July 25, 9 am to 5 pm, we’ll be looking at one of DX Engineering’s popular traveling […]
There was a time when the thought of raising and lowering a vertical antenna to perform maintenance, protect it from storms, or stow it away for the winter was enough […]
During a recent webinar about the new Yaesu FTM-300DR C4FM/FM Dual-Band Mobile Transceiver, presenter John Kruk, N9UPC, wanted to make one point clear about the new System Fusion rig which […]
When I was asked to write this blog entry, the suggestion was made, “…like a desert island list.” Well, that’s just a perfect idea! Since most such lists include ten […]
In previous Word of the Day posts, we discussed two common power sources for portable operations on Field Day—batteries and generators. Today, we’re going to take a brief look at […]