HAM Radio 101

HAM Radio 101

The ARRL Volunteer Monitor Program: Keeping On-Air Activities on the Up and Up

Big brother isn’t the only one watching these days. The ARRL Volunteer Program is also keeping an ear to the ground—err, airwaves—not only to catch troublemakers and dole out consequences […]

HAM Radio 101

Celebrating Early Ham Gladys Kathleen Parkin, 6SO, SK, who Broke Stereotypes by Building Her own Equipment and Station

Amateur radio is no small hobby with more than three million hams setting up shacks across the globe, but, surprisingly, only 15 percent, or around 450,000, of those hams are […]

ham radio antenna grounding guy stake
HAM Radio 101

The Five Types of Operators You Don’t Want to Be

Sometimes amateur radio demonstrates that our technical skills are a little sharper than our people skills, according to Riley Hollingsworth, former Special Counsel in the FCC Spectrum Enforcement Division. He […]

HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: Five Types of Operators You Should Want to Be

Getting on the bands for the first time is one of the most exciting and memorable experiences for any amateur radio operator. But don’t stop there! Whether it’s golf, rock […]

HAM Radio 101

Hams You Should Know: Owen Garriott, W5LFL, SK, the First Ham to Operate from Outer Space

Take a moment to remember Owen, W5LFL while participating in the upcoming Perseid Meteor Shower and ARRL EME events. If shooting for the stars is the ultimate goal, astronaut Owen […]

HAM Radio 101

Hams You Should Know: Remembering Ethel Smith, K4LMB (SK)

Wireless women in amateur radio have been turning heads and sending quick dit-dit-dots since as early as 1910 with a wicked-smart list of achievements snugged up under their collective belt. […]

collage of ham radio operators
HAM Radio 101

Hams with Disabilities Gain Valuable Tools with the Courage Kenny Handiham Program

There are heaps of skills gained during the pursuit of an amateur radio license—and not only the technical kind. Sure, up-and-coming hams learn how to operate a radio, but it’s […]

VK9X Ham Radio QSL Card from Christmas Island
HAM Radio 101

Going on Vacation? Great Options for Bringing Ham Radio Along for the Trip (Part 1)

For many hams, taking a summer vacation without bringing ham radio gear along isn’t much of a vacation at all. If you’re planning on making some casual QSOs far from […]

HAM Radio 101

The New T-7A Red Hawk Training Aircraft to Honor Tuskegee Airmen like Amateur Radio Operator George Mitchell, K6ZE, SK

On April 28 of this year, the Air Force unveiled a new T-7A Red Hawk training aircraft with a decidedly spectacular paint job to directly honor the trailblazing achievements of […]

HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: Help for the Morse Impaired

On February 23, 2007, the FCC eliminated the Morse code requirement for all U.S.-issued amateur licenses. Within 72 hours of the announcement, the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) staff reported […]