HAM Radio 101

triathalon start of bicycle stage
HAM Radio 101

Public Service: Why Ham Radio Operators Help Out in Their Communities

Bikes waiting for the second leg of a local triathlon Amateur radio operators volunteer to help their communities in good times and bad through community events, disaster response, and various […]

a row of ham radio stations in an office
HAM Radio 101

Getting Youth Involved: Greene County, Ohio, 4-H Amateur Radio Club

4-H is a non-formal, educational development program offered to students ages 5 through 19. Ohio 4-H youth development reaches more than 240,000 kids each year, preparing them for success by […]

HAM Radio 101

Heroic Ham Dale Klonin, KC3TAU, Saves Lives on Sanibel Island During Hurricane Ian

Dale Klonin, KC3TAU, a firefighter from Hampstead, Maryland, and ham with less than a year of experience found himself in the unique position to help save lives on September 28 […]

HAM Radio 101

DX Files: Tales of the Radio Paranormal

Halloween is here, and you’re in for a treat! Skip Longpath, custodian of the archives, has hand-picked several of the DX Files for your enjoyment–ones usually not available to the […]

HAM Radio 101

Fox Hunts or Amateur Radio Direction Finding—a Great Way for People of All Ages to Get Involved in Ham Radio

Let’s be honest, amateur radio is a pretty cool hobby that comes with all sorts of benefits that are bound to appeal to kids just as much as tossing a […]

HAM Radio 101

Hams You Should Know: General Loren Windom, W8GZ, Inventor of the Windom Antenna

An Ohio native born on August 12, 1905, General Loren Windom, W8GZ, was a highly esteemed member of the National Guard with an impressive military record who also earned acclaim […]

Amateur Television screen shot
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio Word of the Day: ATV—Amateur Television

“I want my…I want my…I want my ATV.” Okay, so that’s not exactly how the lyrics to Dire Straits’ hit “Money for Nothing” go, but there are still some hams […]

HAM Radio 101

222 MHz: Is Anybody There?

“W8XYZ listening 223.500.” Whether you get a response or silence could depend on where you’re located. Calls in some locations in the United States—major metro areas in states like New […]

HAM Radio 101


Be prepared to help your community during a disaster. Get the special training required to be an ARRL emergency communications volunteer. ARRL’s online courses are offered in a variety of […]

HAM Radio 101

Hams You Should Know: Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD: A Life on the Air

Known to the rest of the world as the “Most trusted man in America,” Walter Cronkite, KB2GSD, is revered among radio enthusiasts as the “Most trusted Ham in Amateur Radio,” […]