HAM Radio 101

PCARS Ham Radio Newsletter
HAM Radio 101

Amateur Radio Newsletters—Practical Advice on Putting One Together for Your Club

Your club newsletter is the introduction of your club to prospective members. Many hams (new and old) will visit a club website to see what the club is like or […]

inside 2003 Dayton Hamvention hara arena event hall
Events / HAM Radio 101

Hamfests—What’s in it for Me?

If you’ve been to one—or several—you already know. If you haven’t, read on. You could be missing a good time! A hamfest is a convention of amateur radio enthusiasts, usually […]

HAM Radio 101

Who Stole My Bands? A Look at Ham Radio and the Capricious Sun.

Forty meters is open. You’re making plenty of QSOs, even snagging a few DX stations. Suddenly, signals begin to fade or even disappear—and they don’t seem to come back. You […]

Worked all parties qso banner
Events / HAM Radio 101

State QSO Parties–Great HF Practice

Once you get your Technician license, the next step is the General. Congratulations, you just earned access to almost every HF frequency amateurs have! (Techs, you have some 10 meter […]

Morse Code letters
HAM Radio 101

Test Your Morse Code Knowledge

Morse code, or Continuous Wave (CW), remains as popular as ever in the ham radio community, though it’s no longer required to obtain a license. Regardless of this, many hams […]

WP3R Ham Radio QSL Card from Bermuda
HAM Radio 101

Amateur Radio and Morse Code in Popular Culture…Some of Our Favorite Examples

It’s always a surprise when ham radio appears in popular entertainment. It’s even more surprising when the details are not mishandled or misrepresented. Just for fun, OnAllBands compiled a few […]

ham radio, keyer paddles, and logbook on outdoor table
HAM Radio 101

CW Activating 101: Managing Partial Calls

I recently received a question from Richard, who asked: “Is it rude to always [add] a ‘?’ with a partial call? And how do you do partials with everyone jumping […]

HAM Radio 101

Hams You Should Know: Jean Shepherd, K2ORS, SK: Cowriter/Narrator of A Christmas Story

If you’ve ever lusted after a leg lamp or shouted, “You’ll shoot your eye out” to a bb-gun clad kid on Christmas morning, odds are you’re already familiar with ham […]

Ham radio Field Day Table Setup
Field Day / HAM Radio 101 / Technical Articles

Ham Radio 101: ARRL Field Day—The Importance of the Exercise

What is Field Day? It is an event where hams in the United States and Canada attempt to contact as many stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-,15- […]

St. Charles Ham Radio Club
HAM Radio 101

Five Tips for Successful Field Day Public Relations (and Extra Points)!

Field Day is many things: a contest, emergency communications exercise, club social event, and a way to raise public awareness of ham radio. Regardless of which aspect you embrace, you […]