Amateur Radio Newsletters—Practical Advice on Putting One Together for Your Club
Your club newsletter is the introduction of your club to prospective members. Many hams (new and old) will visit a club website to see what the club is like or […]
Your club newsletter is the introduction of your club to prospective members. Many hams (new and old) will visit a club website to see what the club is like or […]
If you’ve been to one—or several—you already know. If you haven’t, read on. You could be missing a good time! A hamfest is a convention of amateur radio enthusiasts, usually […]
Forty meters is open. You’re making plenty of QSOs, even snagging a few DX stations. Suddenly, signals begin to fade or even disappear—and they don’t seem to come back. You […]
Once you get your Technician license, the next step is the General. Congratulations, you just earned access to almost every HF frequency amateurs have! (Techs, you have some 10 meter […]
Morse code, or Continuous Wave (CW), remains as popular as ever in the ham radio community, though it’s no longer required to obtain a license. Regardless of this, many hams […]
It’s always a surprise when ham radio appears in popular entertainment. It’s even more surprising when the details are not mishandled or misrepresented. Just for fun, OnAllBands compiled a few […]
I recently received a question from Richard, who asked: “Is it rude to always [add] a ‘?’ with a partial call? And how do you do partials with everyone jumping […]
If you’ve ever lusted after a leg lamp or shouted, “You’ll shoot your eye out” to a bb-gun clad kid on Christmas morning, odds are you’re already familiar with ham […]
What is Field Day? It is an event where hams in the United States and Canada attempt to contact as many stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-,15- […]
Field Day is many things: a contest, emergency communications exercise, club social event, and a way to raise public awareness of ham radio. Regardless of which aspect you embrace, you […]