HAM Radio 101

HAM Radio 101

Public Information Officers in Amateur Radio

A Public Information Officer (PIO) is responsible for creating and growing a positive public image for an organization. These officers may perform a wide range of public relations management tasks […]

POTA Parks on the Air compass logo
Events / HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: Parks on the Air® (POTA)

CQ POTA! Where do you hear and/or see that and what does it mean? Parks on the Air®, or POTA, is an international amateur radio operation that encourages licensed hams […]

ARRL Foundation 50th Anniversary Logo
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio History: ARRL Foundation

September 21, 2023, marked 50 years since the ARRL Foundation was formed. While partnered with the ARRL (American Radio Relay League), the ARRL Foundation stewards philanthropic support for amateur radio […]

Vibroplex bug key
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio and Morse Code in Popular Culture (Part 3)

For Part 3 in our series on ham radio and Morse code in movies, television, and music, we travel back in the time machine to the 1960s for a show […]

HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio and WWV/WWVH—a Brief History

Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is? If the band Chicago listened to WWV, they could have answered this question from their hit song. Tuning into 10 MHz, or […]

HAM Radio 101

Amateur Radio and Morse Code in Popular Culture…Some of Our Favorite Examples Part 2

Our first article on references to ham radio and Morse code in movies, television, and music received such a good response that we decided to go a second round. Here […]

Volunteer badges for Volunteer Examiner Coordinator System
HAM Radio 101

A Look at the Ham Radio Volunteer Examiner Coordinator System

The FCC created the Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (VEC) system to provide initial licensing examinations for prospective hams and upgrade examination opportunities for those already licensed. The VEC organizations oversee the […]

ARRL Ohio Section Logo
HAM Radio 101

How the ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) is Structured: Ham Radio 101

The ARRL governance structure divides the United States into 15 ARRL Divisions. Every three years, ARRL members in each Division elect a Director and a Vice Director to represent them […]

Woman sitting at a ham radio station
HAM Radio 101

How I Became a Ham

Last year, my husband decided to get into the amateur radio world. He was an electronics technician in the Navy for more than ten years, and he has a master’s […]

Rag Chewers club card
HAM Radio 101

Rag Chewing: A Lost Art

How long are your QSOs? If you’re a contester, they’re likely done in seconds. Operating FT8, your semi-automated QSOs exchange call signs, locations, and signal reports—all in about 90 seconds. […]