HAM Radio 101
There’s an impressive history of amateur radio operators who have stood on the leading edge of space activities. Examples include the amateur radio moonbounce, or Earth-Moon-Earth (EME), by W4AO and […]
HAM Radio 101
Have you thought about changing your current call sign? Maybe you’ve upgraded your license, moved to a new call area, decided you want a shorter call, or have a real […]
HAM Radio 101
Whether you just got your license, or you have been in the hobby for a while, your interests may be leading you to explore the HF bands. For many of […]
HAM Radio 101
As I’m writing at the end of March, antenna season is about to get underway in many parts of North America, including for the author. (Those of you in the […]
HAM Radio 101
April 8 is a huge day for hams who will be participating in the Solar Eclipse QSO Party, an event sponsored by HamSCI (Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation). It’s a […]
HAM Radio 101
What do ham radio, piloting aircraft, and folk dances have in common? All three were hobbies acquired by amateur radio enthusiast Margaret (King) Iaquinto, VK3NQQ, SK, a New Haven, Connecticut […]
HAM Radio 101
The eldest of 31st President Herbert Hoover’s two sons, Herbert Charles Hoover, W6ZH, better known as Herbert Hoover Jr., shared more than just a common name with his highly influential father. […]
HAM Radio 101
If you’re a “been there, done that” kind of ham who has bounced a radio signal off everything from the moon to a meteor to the Aurora Borealis, we bet […]
HAM Radio 101
APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) is such a handy thing to have in your vehicle, and it’s not only about vehicle tracking. It is a single information resource data gatherer […]
HAM Radio 101
So what’s this Zulu Time and how does it relate to ham radio? Zulu Time is the military name for Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). Its time is fixed at Prime […]