So, You’re Ready to Buy Your First HF Transceiver. Now What?
Whether you just got your license, or you have been in the hobby for a while, your interests may be leading you to explore the HF bands. For many of […]
Whether you just got your license, or you have been in the hobby for a while, your interests may be leading you to explore the HF bands. For many of […]
As I’m writing at the end of March, antenna season is about to get underway in many parts of North America, including for the author. (Those of you in the […]
April 8 is a huge day for hams who will be participating in the Solar Eclipse QSO Party, an event sponsored by HamSCI (Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation). It’s a […]
What do ham radio, piloting aircraft, and folk dances have in common? All three were hobbies acquired by amateur radio enthusiast Margaret (King) Iaquinto, VK3NQQ, SK, a New Haven, Connecticut […]
The eldest of 31st President Herbert Hoover’s two sons, Herbert Charles Hoover, W6ZH, better known as Herbert Hoover Jr., shared more than just a common name with his highly influential father. […]
If you’re a “been there, done that” kind of ham who has bounced a radio signal off everything from the moon to a meteor to the Aurora Borealis, we bet […]
APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) is such a handy thing to have in your vehicle, and it’s not only about vehicle tracking. It is a single information resource data gatherer […]
So what’s this Zulu Time and how does it relate to ham radio? Zulu Time is the military name for Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). Its time is fixed at Prime […]
You can find a lot of information on any ham radio subject. People will tell you that you need to do this setup or that setup. Who should you listen […]
While we’ve already covered many references to amateur radio and Morse code that have found their way into movies, television, and books, OnAllBands keeps finding new examples to share with […]