What is Split Operation in Ham Radio?
Split means transmitting on one frequency and listening on another. This helps everyone hear the DX station better so they can time their calls, follow instructions, and not create unnecessary […]
Split means transmitting on one frequency and listening on another. This helps everyone hear the DX station better so they can time their calls, follow instructions, and not create unnecessary […]
There are many reasons why certain DXCC entities are harder than others to record in our log books. Some are environmentally protected areas. Governing bodies rarely grant permission to operate […]
When referring to an antenna, or specifically, a Yagi or quad antenna, the reflector is the parasitic (e.g., not fed with coax) element of the antenna that lies behind (opposite […]
The last Word of the Day post highlighted the Islands on the Air (IOTA) program, which encourages Amateur Radio operators to makes QSOs with stations operating from the Earth’s vast […]
IOTA stands for Islands on the Air—a program established in 1964 to encourage Amateur Radio operators to contact stations located on the 1,200 or so island groups dotting the planet. […]
As ARRL Field Day 2019 nears (June 22-23), many in the Ham Radio community are preparing for the serious business of honing their emergency communications skills. Field Day gives Amateur […]
While ARRL Field Day is fun, it can be a challenge if you’re not properly prepared. One of the biggest obstacles to a successful Field Day can be setting up […]
GOTA stands for Get On the Air. By setting up a GOTA station during ARRL Field Day, you can give newly licensed Hams as well as curious onlookers the opportunity […]
Who’s ready for Field Day, June 22-23? For the experienced operators at DX Engineering, it’s one of the highlights of the Ham Radio year. The first ARRL Field Day was […]
A situation where HF propagation exists between two stations in the inverse direction of the great circle heading. “Beaming long path” means pointing your antenna 180 degrees different from the […]