HAM Radio 101

ARRL general Class License Manual
HAM Radio 101

Introduction to General Class License

We’ve talked a great deal in our Word of the Day column about what you can do with an Amateur Radio Technician Class License, including operating in the popular 2 […]

HAM Radio 101

What is Category Shopping?

The practice of deciding which category to submit your contest score in after the contest is over, and after information on (claimed) scores of potential competitors is public. The purpose […]

YASME foundation logo
HAM Radio 101

The Yasme Foundation: Origin and Overview

Today’s Word of the Day column salutes the Yasme Foundation, an organization celebrating its 60th year of forging new frontiers in the world of Amateur Radio. Led by Dick Spenceley, […]

HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: What is a Call Sign?

For today’s Word of the Day, we go back to the basics. What is a call sign? After passing your Amateur Radio licensing exam (in the U.S), the FCC will […]

HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: D-STAR

D-STAR is today’s Word of the Day in honor of the DX Engineering employee radio club, N8DXE, converting its analog repeater on 146.985 to D-STAR.  Developed in the late 1990s […]

DX Engineering radial plate and hardware
HAM Radio 101

What is a Radial Plate?

If you’re an Amateur Radio operator with a ground-mounted vertical antenna, today’s Word of the Day needs to be firmly entrenched in your Ham vocabulary—radial plate. A radial plate is […]

HAM Radio 101

Word of the Day: “Tuner-Upper”

In our continued exploration of the DX Code of Conduct, we look at this important operating principle: I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling and will […]

HAM Radio 101

What is an RST System?

The RST System is a way for Hams to let rag-chewers, CW enthusiasts, and DXers know the quality of signal they are receiving. RST stands for Readability, Signal Strength, and […]

IK2QPR Ham Radio QSL Card from French Polynesia
HAM Radio 101

DXpedition QSO Etiquette

Today, we look a little closer at how to handle yourself when you’re one of many Hams attempting to make contact with a sought-after station. First, be courteous. Many Hams […]

DX Code of Conduct list
HAM Radio 101

What is the DX Code of Conduct?

Imagine that on your daily commute to work, every driver decided to ignore traffic laws and cast aside common courtesies. Pass on the right—why not? Bump a subcompact into a […]