Prepping for the Pitcairn Island VP6R DXpedition
One of the biggest DXpeditions of the year is officially only about a month away. Time to start thinking about logging Pitcairn Island, the least populous national jurisdiction in the […]
One of the biggest DXpeditions of the year is officially only about a month away. Time to start thinking about logging Pitcairn Island, the least populous national jurisdiction in the […]
If you’re new to Ham Radio and someone calls you a “Little Pistol,” your first reaction might be, “Well, them’s fightin’ words.” Don’t be offended. It’s just the way Hams […]
Cty.dat, or sometimes wl_cty.dat, also known as a “country file.” This file contains the lookup information that translates prefixes of callsigns into country and/or zone multipliers. Software uses this file, […]
Some Amateur Radio operators leave behind such a legacy of hard work, high-level thinking, and pure devotion to the advancement of the hobby that their call sign will never fade […]
If your station suffers from radio frequency interference (RFI), today’s Word of Day, ferrite, should become an immediate and permanent part of your Ham Radio vocabulary. Different mixes of ferrite—a […]
From time to time, our Word of the Day feature will highlight an innovative product from the world of Ham Radio. Today, we look at COMPACTenna’s patented line of small, […]
Today’s Word of the Day column focuses on another organization committed to keeping CW alive and clicking—the Straight Key Century Club (SKCC). Founded in 2006, the group boasts close to […]
For those interested in expanding their knowledge and opportunities to use their CW skills, today’s Word of the Day column highlights an organization exclusively devoted to Morse code operation. Founded […]
One of the great things about Ham Radio is its ability to bring people together. Whether congregating at a hamfest, attending an educational seminar, making a QSO with a station […]
The CQ World Wide RTTY DX Contest will be taking place in a few weeks (Sept. 28-29), so we’ve chosen RTTY for our Word of the Day. For the uninitiated, […]