Product Profile: PicoAPRS-Lite Transceiver Module
From the innovators at WiMo comes a remarkably powerful and versatile APRS module that can slide into your pocket or easily install out-of-sight in your vehicle, yet is ideal for […]
From the innovators at WiMo comes a remarkably powerful and versatile APRS module that can slide into your pocket or easily install out-of-sight in your vehicle, yet is ideal for […]
If you remember the thrill of leafing through a holiday catalog as a kid—circling all the pipe-dream stuff you wanted but knew you would never acquire—you’re hardly alone. Years removed […]
The Antique Wireless Association (AWA) is committed to making sure the bygone days of radio are not forgotten. Per its website, the AWA’s vision is “To preserve and share the […]
November is the season to give thanks for some of the year’s best Ham Radio contesting opportunities. Here are a few highlights: ARRL November Sweepstakes, CW (November 2-4) 2100 UTC […]
In honor of Halloween, our Word of the Day features an object designed to strike terror in the hearts of any amateur operator who ever called CQ. Of course we’re […]
Poaching is when a third station strays onto the frequency of a station who is running in order to make contact with one of the responding stations. If N9RV is […]
Spearheaded by a group of dedicated Hams from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadian National Parks On The Air (CNPOTA) is a new program (modeled after ARRL’s defunct National Parks on the […]
A slang term used to refer to the adjusting of times in the contest log to make QSOs appear to conform to the rules of a category and contest. This […]
If working UHF/VHF is more your style (or all your budget will allow), there are still lots of ways to have fun on the air and get recognized for your […]
Today’s Word of the Day salutes all the XYLs who “stand by their Ham.” For many male Ham Radio operators, having a supportive, understanding, patient, and abundantly tolerant XYL is […]