Product Profile: Equipment Cases
Hams can be hard to keep home. From fox hunts to portable operations to DXpeditions, they’re always off on another adventure—and it can take a toll on the delicate instruments […]
Hams can be hard to keep home. From fox hunts to portable operations to DXpeditions, they’re always off on another adventure—and it can take a toll on the delicate instruments […]
For Hams who have just become licensed or new contesters who may be intimidated by the skill of more seasoned operators, ARRL’s six-hour-long Rookie Roundups (held in April/SSB, August/RTTY and […]
This holiday season get the Hams in your life the gift that keeps on giving with reference and log books that will keep them up-to-date with new information for their […]
You’ve got a few more chances to hone your operating skills and capture some end-of-the-year bragging rights before 2019 officially goes in the history books. What are you waiting for? […]
In Ham-speak, the word “barefoot” has nothing to do with going shoeless in the shack. It means transmitting without the aid of an amplifier. When the topic of amps versus […]
The ZK3A Tokelau Islands 2019 DXpedition’s 19-member team used a range of DX Engineering equipment while operating from this dependent territory of New Zealand in the southern Pacific Ocean in […]
When it comes to classic literature, Ham Radio rarely plays a prominent role. After all, Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men, not Of Mics and Men. And despite his name, […]
Look through the 2019 DX Engineering Fall/Winter Catalog and you’ll run across a handful of Smith Charts—a graphic display of how RF parameters behave at certain frequencies. Invented by Phillip […]
Earlier this week we featured thePicoAPRS-Lite Transceiver Module, which leads us to our Word of the Day: APRS. APRS stands for Automatic Packet Reporting System—an Amateur Radio-based system that Hams […]
Displayed at Dayton Hamvention 2019, bhi’s LLC-1 Line Level Converter changes a speaker output to a line level signal, adding even greater flexibility to bhi’s ParaPro EQ20 Parametric Equalizer. Designed […]