HAM Radio 101

a group of ham radio operators talking outside
HAM Radio 101

Promoting Ham Radio in Your Area

Ham radio is fun stuff! We enjoy building circuits, talking around the world without the internet, and developing our skills to be ready in case we’re ever needed for an […]

HAM Radio 101

Hams You Should Know: Phil Gildersleeve

Born in 1908 in Portland, Connecticut, Amateur Radio cartoonist Phil Gildersleeve helped define the face of Amateur Radio with his role as longtime cartoonist for QST magazine. He worked at […]

HAM Radio 101 / Uncategorized

Word of the Day: WAC (Worked All Continents Award)

If you’re relatively new to DXing, the thought of “Working the World” may seem daunting. Yes, it may be a “Small World After All” in Disney-speak, but in Ham terminology, […]

end fed half wave antenna
HAM Radio 101

What Is an End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) Antenna?

The popular End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) Antenna is an easily portable, high-impedance (2,000-4,000 ohm) wire antenna that resonates on its fundamental frequency and all harmonics above. Several ways exist to bring […]

Events / HAM Radio 101

Honoring Hams Who Operate into Their 100s with the ARRL Centurion Award

There’s no ageism in the world of Amateur Radio—in fact, quite the opposite. The ARRL is committed to celebrating Hams with long-term commitments to the hobby, and that includes celebrating […]

HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio History: Novice Licenses

Many Amateur Radio operators got their feet wet in the hobby by receiving a Novice Class operator license. First issued in 1951, this entry-level license required the applicant to pass […]

skywarn logo
HAM Radio 101

Skywarn Amateur Radio Network and How to Get Involved

Keeping the public aware of severe weather hazards isn’t just for meteorologists anymore. Amateur Radio operators, known as storm spotters, partner with the National Weather Service (NWS) to recognize and […]

HAM Radio 101

The Meaning and History of SOS

What does SOS stand for? It’s not “Save Our Ship” or “Save Our Souls” like you might think. Instead, the distress signal that originated in the maritime community is communication […]

Elecraft XG3 RF Signal Source module
HAM Radio 101 / Products & Product Reviews

Brands You Should Know: Elecraft

Elecraft is an industry leader when it comes to Amateur Radio equipment. Founded in Watsonville, California, by Wayne Burdick, N6KR, and Eric Swartz, WA6HHQ, the company’s been knocking it out […]

HAM Radio 101

What are The Monks of Mount Athos?

Mount Athos, or the “Holy Mountain,” is a mountain peninsula located in northeastern Greece that houses 20 monasteries. Completely isolated from modern civilization, Mount Athos has served as a religious […]