HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio History: The Origins and Evolution of Radioteletype (RTTY) Mode
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio History: The Origins and Evolution of Radioteletype (RTTY) Mode

It may surprise some that the RTTY (Radioteletype) mode we use today can be traced back nearly 190 years. Carl Friedrich Gauss and Wilhelm Weber constructed the first telegraph in […]

vintage photo of a home ham radio station
HAM Radio 101

My First Steps in Ham Radio

Radio bit me at a very early age, and it bit hard. At home in Urbana, Illinois, I was doing broadcast band DXing when I was four and had my […]

HAM Radio 101

“Best Regards,” “Love and Kisses,” and “the End” Decoded 

If you’re a newbie to Amateur Radio, you may be having some scratch-your-head moments when you leave a meet-and-greet or sign off of a voice communication only to have a […]

HAM Radio 101

Local Clubs: How Are They Important and How Can They Help?

Local clubs are the backbone of the amateur radio community. They provide support by sponsoring radio classes, mentoring new Hams, and holding licensing sessions. Club meetings are also a place […]

HAM Radio 101

What Does It Mean to be a Ham? An Overview of Rules, Regulations, and Responsibilities.

From its early days in the 1900s, Amateur Radio has grown to become a treasured and invaluable communication tool for men and women throughout the U.S. and around the world. […]

HAM Radio 101

Getting Along with Your Non-Ham Neighbors

We tend to get a bit of tunnel-vision when it comes to Ham radio. After all, we’re really into the hobby. But that doesn’t always mean everybody else is. In […]

stemlab ham radio kit
HAM Radio 101 / Products & Product Reviews

New Product Showcase: Red Pitaya Boards for Ham Radio Operators

For less adventurous eaters whose interest in fruits extends no further than apples and grapes, the red pitaya is likely one of those oddities you pass in the grocery store […]

Ham Radio MARS Logo
HAM Radio 101

A Beacon of Safety at Sea: the Maritime Mobile Service Network

Founded with the intent to “Serve Those Who Serve,” the Maritime Mobile Service Network (MMSN) was launched in 1968 by Amateur Radio operators Winston (the Chaplain), KB5YX, formerly WB4AKB; Steve […]

HAM Radio 101

Earn Your ARRL VUCC Award

There’s a lot more to being a Ham than working HF. Just ask the operators who devote their on-air time to earning the ARRL’s VHF/UHF Century Club Award (VUCC). The […]

HAM Radio 101

Word Origins: What does “DX” Mean?

On July 25, 2020, DX Engineering will be holding its first-ever, all-day combined virtual event, featuring the DXE Virtual Hamfest from 9 am to noon and DX Academy (see more […]