HAM Radio 101

ham radio operator working from a Volkswagen beetle
HAM Radio 101

First Field Day for NØAX

Well, this is different! When you are just getting started in ham radio, this “Field Day” thing is a Big Mystery. Sometime in late winter, the club chatter starts up […]

HAM Radio 101

Video—FM Satellite Etiquette: Five Tips for Better Satellite Success

With interest in ham radio satellites at an all-time high, it’s more important than ever for both new and longtime amateurs to review best practices for operating the FM birds—one […]

HAM Radio 101

Memories of Field Day

Field Day… it’s not just an operating event, it’s the holiest ham radio weekend on the calendar in the U.S. and Canada. Since 1933, hams have been taking gear to […]

HAM Radio 101

MARS (Military Auxiliary Radio System): It’s All in the Name

MARS, or the Military Auxiliary Radio System, is a civilian unit of highly skilled Hams who work alongside the Army and Air Force to assist with Department of Defense communication […]

ham radio station in the back seat of a car
HAM Radio 101

Hams You Should Know: Josh Gould, AE8JG, DX Engineering Customer/Technical Support Specialist

Have you ever wondered who was the Ham on the other end of your call to DX Engineering? Well, we thought you’d like to know. OnAllBands has been running a […]

antique heathkit ham radio
HAM Radio 101

Remembering My First Ham Radio License

Like many hams of my generation, I got my Novice license as an 11-year- old in junior high school (1958). I was active in Boy Scouts and already had an […]

arrl age distribution chart for ham radio users
HAM Radio 101

There Is Youth in Ham Radio

“People still do that?!” -People when you tell them you’re a ham. At first, I thought about quoting Mark Twain’s famously misquoted line concerning the “greatly exaggerated” reports of his […]

contest university slide deck
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio Contesting Etiquette for Contesters and Non-Contesters Alike

Why, yes, there is etiquette in contesting! Even though it may sound like chaos in places, there is a method in the madness. Every sport has its etiquette—certain things you […]

HAM Radio 101

A Very Abbreviated History of Ham Radio Satellites

Satellites have helped us achieve incredible advances in science, military, and telecommunications fields. They’ve also provided hams incredible opportunities for radio enjoyment. Since the Russians successfully launched Sputnik on October, […]

vintage ham radio license manual book
HAM Radio 101

Getting My License

What got you started in ham radio? What keeps you in ham radio? How did you get your license and what was your first station like? Quite a trip back […]