EMCOMM: Hams Making a Difference Through Public Service
What do you use your amateur radio license for? There are many ways to use ham radio; however, one very rewarding way is to serve the community. The Amateur Radio […]
What do you use your amateur radio license for? There are many ways to use ham radio; however, one very rewarding way is to serve the community. The Amateur Radio […]
Per the U.S. government’s “Ready” website, the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program “educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in […]
Jack Phillips, Titanic senior wireless operator, turned 25 on April 11, 1912—one day after the Titanic sailed out of Southampton harbor. He is primarily remembered for his nonstop efforts to […]
CW (Continuous Wave) continues to be a popular and much-cherished amateur radio mode that captivates hams the world over for a variety of reasons. Ask a CW fan what fascinates […]
Does social media have a place in the ham radio world? Some say they don’t need it because they have ham radio and it is all they will ever need. […]
While you’re checking out the newly designed website at DXEngineering.com, you’ll discover that DX Engineering is about more than carrying the latest and greatest gear for amateur radio operators. Our […]
Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with […]
A happenstance hero of sorts, Harold Cottam is the radio operator who on a whim made contact with Jack Phillips, senior wireless operator aboard the Titanic, not knowing the ship […]
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is comprised of four levels: National, Section, District, and Local. The National level is run by the ARRL Field Services Manager, who maintains contact […]
Q-signals are a system of radio shorthand originally derived from old-school telegraphy codes. They date back as far as the advent of wireless radio. Used frequently among hams, Q-signals provide […]