HAM Radio 101

man pointing to projector screen
HAM Radio 101

What are the 3 Current Amateur Radio Licensing Levels & What Can You Do with Them?

Editor’s note: This post is part of an ongoing series of 101-style articles from OnAllBands addressing the basics of amateur radio as a service to aspiring and new hams. Before you do […]

close of a ham radio fcc license, general
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: The Amateur Radio General Class License—Is It for You?

A General class amateur radio license is the middle level of three amateur radio operator licenses in the United States. It gives you access to most amateur radio bands and […]

close up of morse code characters
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: What’s the Best Way to Learn Morse Code?

2025 Marks the 190th Anniversary of the International Morse Code Alphabet Editor’s note: This post is part of an ongoing series of 101-style articles from OnAllBands addressing the basics of […]

close up of ham radio mic and call sign nameplates
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: What Is an Amateur Radio Call Sign?

Editor’s note: This post is part of an ongoing series of Ham Radio 101 articles from OnAllBands addressing the basics of amateur radio as a service to aspiring and new […]

trucks parked with several mobile ham antennas installed
Antenna Tech / HAM Radio 101

How Should I Attach a Ham Radio Antenna to My Vehicle?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions the team at DX Engineering receives when helping customers find the best solution for installing a mobile radio (transceiver) in their […]

detail photo of the earth's moon
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: What on Earth is Moonbounce?

Editor’s note: This post is part of an ongoing series of short Ham Radio 101 articles from OnAllBands addressing the basics of amateur radio as a service to aspiring and […]

close up of rit button on an icom receiver
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: What Are the RIT-XIT Functions Used for on Your Transceiver?

As a newly licensed ham, you probably got started in amateur radio with VHF and UHF phone operation. A simple click gave you access to FM simplex channels and repeaters […]

scary ham radio halloween station
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio Ops: Feel the Fear

What gives you the heebie-jeebies as a ham radio operator? With Halloween only a few days away, we’re dedicating this post to some scary things that keep us up at […]

ARRL's Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners book cover stylized
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio Contesting for Techs? Yes, You Can!

Feeling left out? It’s a fact that most contests take place on the HF bands, but even as a Technician you can participate. For starters, you only need your Technician […]

man holding several handheld ham radios
HAM Radio 101

Buying Your First Amateur Radio Handheld Transceiver (Video)

With many solid options available, choosing your first amateur radio handheld transceiver (HT) can be a challenge. DX Engineering’s Michael Murphy, KI8R, breaks down the questions you need to consider […]