Ham Culture & Entertainment

a group of young ham radio operators standing under umbrellas outside in the rain
Ham Culture & Entertainment

What Can We Do to Get Youth into Ham Radio?

Aside from encouraging me to study for my Technician exam (and the other two exams…now that I look back on it) my parents really didn’t have to work very hard […]

large ham radio shack in a museum
Ham Culture & Entertainment

Signals Museum in Huntsville, Alabama, Traces the History of Electronic Communications in the U.S.

Be Sure to Check in at Ham Radio Station K4MIE When You Visit. It’s never a bad time to start figuring out plans for your next summer vacation. Hams interested […]

ham radio operators working at keyboards at large station
Ham Culture & Entertainment

What Do Young Hams Do for Amateur Radio?

I’m sure the vast majority of hams have heard the quip, “Youth are ruining ham radio,” or something similar. I can assure you that I have. I can’t even begin […]

man sitting at an outdoor portable ham station
Events / Ham Culture & Entertainment

Portable Ham Radio Insights: Making the Transition from POTA Hunter to Activator

I’ve been interested in portable operating for years. I enjoy putting a station on the air where one didn’t exist yesterday. Since a trip to Bouvet Island isn’t in my […]

a pair of old antenna mounting plates
Ham Culture & Entertainment

DX Engineering 25th Anniversary: A Look Back at the Early Years—DX Engineering Antenna Hardware

In celebration of DX Engineering’s 25th anniversary this year, OnAllBands will be taking an expansive look at how DX Engineering grew from a company carrying a small but highly regarded […]

exterior of the white house south lawn in washington DC
Ham Culture & Entertainment

Celebrate President’s Day with the Hams Who Served Them

Make a QSO with the White House Communications Agency Amateur Radio Club’s Special Event Station, WØH, Feb. 16-18 2025. Hams with a knack for history know that President’s Day (which […]

group of kids cheering in a formal photo shoot
Ham Culture & Entertainment

What Does Amateur Radio Do for Youth?

Surprisingly, most high school students would prefer not to spend their weekends in the basements (granted, basements furnished nicely with radios and, hopefully, amplifiers) of hams who will spend a […]

a portable ham radio kit with logbook
Ham Culture & Entertainment

Did Parks on the Air (POTA) Save Ham Radio?

Several months ago I saw a non-ham friend at the park. During our chat, he happened to look at the call sign license plate on my SUV. “Ham radio? Are […]

Ward Silver, NØAX's ham radio qsl card
Ham Culture & Entertainment

Why QSL? And an Atlas of QSL Cards

The QSL card is pretty much unique to ham radio. I don’t know of bowlers or anglers or golfers who give each other a report on their latest interactions! Wayne, […]

K3GP Ham Radio QSL Card
Ham Culture & Entertainment

It’s All in the Cards! Personal QSL Cards from the DX Engineering Team

We’re doing something different for today’s QSL card article. In honor of DX Engineering’s 25th anniversary of serving the amateur radio community, OnAllBands is featuring some of the personal QSL […]