So, you’ve mastered Morse code! But does that include dit-dit-dahing the old-school way using manual CW operation on a mechanical key like a bug, straight key, or cootie? If it […]
Contest University Only Five Months Away—Register Today! We begin the year’s first ham radio contest guide with exciting news: Registration for Contest University 2024 is officially open. The 15th year […]
Clipperton Island QRV in January OnAllBands is excited to kick off 2024’s QSL card posts by featuring the long-anticipated TX5S DXpedition t0 Clipperton Island. Per its website, the TX5S team […]
It is rare when DXpedition teams include youthful operators, say, age 25 and younger. Most ventures to remote locales are made up of a mix of seasoned operators who have […]
Pearl Harbor: A Catalyst to War One hour and fifteen minutes. That’s how long it took for Japanese forces to bomb Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, with devastating results. […]
As we bid farewell to another year, it’s a good time to reflect on ways we can improve our ham radio capabilities or maybe even add another pursuit, such as […]
Suriname QRV in December There’s a small window of opportunity to put Suriname in your logbook before bidding farewell to 2023. The PZ5NH DXpedition by Nobu, JA0JHQ, is scheduled to […]
Laos QRV in November The XW4DX Laos DXpedition is scheduled for November 16-27 from this 101st most-wanted DXCC entity. As the XW4DX website notes, hams in some parts of the […]
The Amateur Radio Club of Savannah (ARCS) will be onboard the Nuclear Ship Savannah (N.S. Savannah), a designated National Historic Landmark docked in Baltimore for a special operating event on […]
Events / Photo Galleries
Twenty hams from Germany, Austria, and Poland plan to operate two sites on Timor-Leste in November, including activity during the CQ WW DX CW Contest, November 25-26. This Southeast Asian […]