Amateur Radio News

JOTAJOTI Radio Scout Jamboree
Amateur Radio News

Young People Prepare for a Different Kind of Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) in 2020 

Even in the middle of a pandemic, Scouts and Guides from around the world are preparing to extend a hand of friendship—further evidence of the power of Ham Radio to […]

WX4NHC Hurricane Ham Radio Station
Amateur Radio News

The Cyclone Station that Keeps Us Safe, WX4NHC

Congratulations to Amateur Radio station WX4NHC as it celebrates its 40th year of public service at the National Hurricane Center (NHC), located on campus at Florida International University in Miami, […]

Amateur Radio News

Scientists Forecast that Solar Cycle 25 Could Actually Be Epic for Ham Radio Operators

While predictions from solar physicists about the fate of Solar Cycle 25 have been categorically tepid up to this point, there may be more than just a ray of hope […]

Amateur Radio News

Ham Radio Operator Bob Behnken, KE5GGX, and Doug Hurley Launch Commercial Crew Program into Space

NASA astronaut and Ham enthusiast Colonel Bob Behnken, KE5GGX, and fellow astronaut Colonel Doug Hurley made history on May 30 as the astronauts aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule on […]

astronaut making a ham radio contact from space station
Amateur Radio News / Technical Articles

Hams in Space: Contacting the International Space Station

When astronaut Owen Garriott, W5LFL (sk), keyed down his 2 meter transceiver aboard the space shuttle Columbia on December 1, 1983, he became the first person to use Ham radio […]

Amateur Radio News

Federal Ruling Allows Retrieval of Marconi Company Radio from Titanic despite NOAA Objection

The untimely demise of the RMS Titanic is a historical narrative submerged in seemingly glamorous myth and legend that sharply contrasts with the reality of over 1,500 lives lost on […]

Amateur Radio News

Legendary Recording Artist Chet Atkins, W4CGP-SK, Inducted into CQ Hall of Fame

Legendary country music artist and Amateur Radio operator Chet Atkins, W4CGP-SK, was inducted into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame this year, along with six other award recipients. The […]

NASA mars rover
Amateur Radio News

Morse Code Makes its Way to Mars

Messages aren’t just for bottles these days, and the one inscribed in Morse code on the license plate of NASA’s new Mars rover, Perseverance, will make its way much farther […]

solar cycle 25 update chart
Amateur Radio News / HAM Radio 101

Solar Cycle 25 Update

What does Solar Cycle 25 have in store? While no one can know for sure, here’s the latest news from the National Weather Service. Based on results of NOAA’s Solar […]

Amateur Radio News

Hamvention® 2020 Club of the Year: the South Canadian Amateur Radio Society 

The South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) is no stranger to activities designed to advance the Amateur Radio community. For its work, the group will be recognized this year as […]