Articles written by: Wayne KE8JFW

F5LPY Ham Radio QSL Card from the Ivory Coast
Events / Photo Galleries

It’s All in the Cards: QSL Cards from the Ivory Coast

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with […]

HAM Radio 101 / Uncategorized

Word of the Day: WAC (Worked All Continents Award)

If you’re relatively new to DXing, the thought of “Working the World” may seem daunting. Yes, it may be a “Small World After All” in Disney-speak, but in Ham terminology, […]

end fed half wave antenna
HAM Radio 101

What Is an End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) Antenna?

The popular End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) Antenna is an easily portable, high-impedance (2,000-4,000 ohm) wire antenna that resonates on its fundamental frequency and all harmonics above. Several ways exist to bring […]

panadapter module for a ham radio
Technical Articles

How-To: Demonstration of Radio Analog’s Panadapter Module for Icom IC-7300

Think one of Icom’s most beloved transceivers, the IC-7300, couldn’t get any better? Think again. IC-7300 owners who have always wanted to view the rig’s panadapter in an easier-to-see format […]

HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio History: Novice Licenses

Many Amateur Radio operators got their feet wet in the hobby by receiving a Novice Class operator license. First issued in 1951, this entry-level license required the applicant to pass […]

NH8s ham radio QSL card from Swains Islands
Events / Photo Galleries

It’s All in the Cards: QSLs from Swains Islands

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with […]

collage of ham radio dummy loads
Technical Articles

A Quick Guide to Dummy Loads

In an RF system, a dummy load, also known as a “dummy antenna,” is a device that simulates an electrical load, allowing Hams to accurately adjust and test their transmitters […]

ham radio operator on a hilltop
Technical Articles

Video: How to Combat 2-Meter Interference on a Hilltop

SOTABeams’ Richard, G3CWI, discusses how to identify and remedy 2-meter interference when operating from a Summits On The Air (SOTA) location. Will attaching a better antenna do the trick? Find […]

novice rig round up artwork

Get Ready for the 6th Annual Novice Rig Roundup

For those who recall their salad days of 75 watts input and crystal frequency control, your Ham Radio Olympics is just around the corner. The 6th Annual Novice Rig Roundup, […]

boring radio club header graphic

A Guide to March 2020 Ham Radio Contests

As the expression goes, March is supposed to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. For those Hams in Northeast Ohio, where DX Engineering is headquartered, […]