Articles written by: Ward Silver, N0AX

Ward Silver, NØAX's ham radio qsl card
Ham Culture & Entertainment

Why QSL? And an Atlas of QSL Cards

The QSL card is pretty much unique to ham radio. I don’t know of bowlers or anglers or golfers who give each other a report on their latest interactions! Wayne, […]

inside a small communications station
Technical Articles / Weatherproofing and Grounding

Ham Radio Tech: RF Management & RF Ground Planes

Sooner or later, hams encounter some RF trickery above and beyond the usual connecting together of gadgets and antennas. This usually happens on the HF bands as a home station […]

portable ham radio station built into a cooler
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: Inexpensive Project Enclosures

No matter what kind of operating you do, sooner or later you’ll need a “gadget” that isn’t readily available commercially. Maybe you’ll need a special switch or an interface between […]

ham radio operator at a station under a tent
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: RF Safety—In the Field

This is the second installment of a two-part article about RF when you are operating “in the field,” meaning away from a fixed station. For example, when you are operating […]

rear view of a portable ham radio station on a tabletop
Technical Articles / Uncategorized

Ham Radio Tech: RF Management–In the Field

This is the first of a two-part article about RF when you are operating “in the field,” meaning away from a fixed station. For example, when you are operating a […]

wire stripper tool stripping a wire

How To Strip (Wires and Cables)

Let’s start with a story about how NOT to strip wires. Back in the day, I worked with a fellow who had the unique talent of stripping wires with his […]

two half hitches knot tied around table leg
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: Knots & Slings

Antenna and tower work are never far from our minds as hams. Most amateur loads are considered light by professional installers, but they can be heavy enough to cause injuries […]

field day ham radio station
Field Day

Effective Field Day Operating

Operating at Field Day is lot different than operating a home station—and that’s more than half the fun. It’s also one of the main reasons Field Day exists, so that […]

screengrab of a map displayed on a computer
Field Day

Noise Management on Field Day

Here comes Field Day and all of your careful equipment connections and filtering go out the window as the station is disassembled and hauled off to the operating site. Be […]

HAM Radio 101

Stretching and Cautions About Lifting for Ham Radio Antenna Season

As I’m writing at the end of March, antenna season is about to get underway in many parts of North America, including for the author. (Those of you in the […]