222 MHz: Is Anybody There?
“W8XYZ listening 223.500.” Whether you get a response or silence could depend on where you’re located. Calls in some locations in the United States—major metro areas in states like New […]
“W8XYZ listening 223.500.” Whether you get a response or silence could depend on where you’re located. Calls in some locations in the United States—major metro areas in states like New […]
The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) today is what CB radio was originally intended to be–a group of frequencies shared by individuals who maintained a civil environment on the air, […]
Many hams I know who are serious 160 and 80 meter operators use Beverage antennas to optimize HF reception. These antennas often make the difference in pulling a weak signal […]
Sometimes amateur radio demonstrates that our technical skills are a little sharper than our people skills, according to Riley Hollingsworth, former Special Counsel in the FCC Spectrum Enforcement Division. He […]
Getting on the bands for the first time is one of the most exciting and memorable experiences for any amateur radio operator. But don’t stop there! Whether it’s golf, rock […]
On February 23, 2007, the FCC eliminated the Morse code requirement for all U.S.-issued amateur licenses. Within 72 hours of the announcement, the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) staff reported […]
When I first heard the term screwdriver antenna, I thought it was a joke. I immediately thought of stories about loading wet noodles, bedsprings, and random trees in the forest […]
Whenever two or more transceivers are used in close proximity, there is some level of interference involved. This level can vary from practically no problem at all to actually overloading […]
Antenna analyzers are generally used during the building and tuning of antennas. It’s a tool that helps you physically adjust the length of the antenna and check the entire antenna […]
Try, try, try to understand, it’s a magic band. (Apologies to the rock band Heart–too bad they didn’t know about 6 meters.) “The Magic Band” is a phrase used to […]