Articles written by: Mark Haverstock, K8MSH

Product Reviews

Review of the DX Commander Classic HF Multiband Vertical Antenna

For POTA and Field Day, nothing beats a telescoping fiberglass pole vertical antenna for simplicity and quick deployment. Our club’s 40 meter FD SSB antenna was up in less than […]

HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio and WWV/WWVH—a Brief History

Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is? If the band Chicago listened to WWV, they could have answered this question from their hit song. Tuning into 10 MHz, or […]

Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Guide to Unusual Ham Radio Antennas

We’ve all heard of Yagis, dipoles, and G5RVs. But there are other antennas out there that are a bit unusual—either by name or configuration. One even grows… Carolina Windom Going […]

Rag Chewers club card
HAM Radio 101

Rag Chewing: A Lost Art

How long are your QSOs? If you’re a contester, they’re likely done in seconds. Operating FT8, your semi-automated QSOs exchange call signs, locations, and signal reports—all in about 90 seconds. […]

Technical Articles

Tips on How to Make Your Next Hamfest a Prime Day for Buying or Selling

After parking and waiting in line, you finally make it inside the gates. You drop off your ticket for the prize drawings, and you’re ready to bargain. No two hamfests […]

inside 2003 Dayton Hamvention hara arena event hall
Events / HAM Radio 101

Hamfests—What’s in it for Me?

If you’ve been to one—or several—you already know. If you haven’t, read on. You could be missing a good time! A hamfest is a convention of amateur radio enthusiasts, usually […]

HAM Radio 101

Who Stole My Bands? A Look at Ham Radio and the Capricious Sun.

Forty meters is open. You’re making plenty of QSOs, even snagging a few DX stations. Suddenly, signals begin to fade or even disappear—and they don’t seem to come back. You […]

hamplus remote switch, mounted to side of house
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tips: Keep Your Feet on the Ground and Your Station on the Air

Having entered my seventh decade, I know I can’t do all the stuff I used to do when I was in my 30s. Climbing trees, towers, and extension ladders or […]

Yaesu HT Tail handie talkie demonstration

Does Your HT Have Low-T? How to Improve Your Handheld Radio’s Performance

It’s time for the weekly club net and you’re ready to check in on the local repeater. With HT in hand, you confidently press the PTT button. “This is KE8ABC, […]

Battery powered soldering iron
Technical Articles

Ham Radio 101: Soldering Tips

Learning how to solder using proper techniques is a fundamental skill every ham should master. Whether you’re attaching connectors to a coaxial cable or constructing a balun, knowing how to […]