Ham Radio 101: Understanding Repeater Speak
New hams often wonder what they’ll do or say over the radio after they get their license. All that jargon that hams use can seem like a foreign language to […]
New hams often wonder what they’ll do or say over the radio after they get their license. All that jargon that hams use can seem like a foreign language to […]
If you thought Parks on the Air (POTA) was the only portable operation event in town, meet BOTA. Beaches on the Air promotes ham radio portable operation from beaches. BOTA […]
Everyone wants to improve their signal quality, work more DX stations, make more QSOs, and earn higher contest scores. Should you buy an amplifier or beef up your antenna system? […]
What’s your idea of the perfect tuner? Here’s my wish list: There are some good candidates out there, like the FlexRadio Tuner Genius XL. It will convince your radio that […]
Solid-state amplifiers have become mainstream as vacuum tubes have become more difficult to find and solid-state power capabilities have increased. Now it is commercially feasible for amateur radio amplifier manufacturers […]
Every Field Day setup is different, depending on location, number of people, access to trees, number of stations operating, and more. Chances are you’ve participated before and have a basic […]
Going mobile? Installing a ham radio station in your vehicle expands the usefulness of amateur radio, making automobiles ham shacks on wheels. It’s a convenient way to have instant emergency […]
Have you thought about changing your current call sign? Maybe you’ve upgraded your license, moved to a new call area, decided you want a shorter call, or have a real […]
Space, the final frontier for antenna installations. The ham’s ongoing mission: to explore their shrinking lot sizes and seek out smaller antennas that will keep them on the air—ones that […]
Space, the final frontier for antenna installations. The ham’s ongoing mission: to explore their shrinking lot sizes and seek out smaller antennas that will keep them on the air—ones that […]