How to Choose a Handheld Transceiver
Often, the first radio a new Ham buys is a handheld transceiver (HT). They’re relatively inexpensive and very flexible because handhelds can be used at home, in the car, and […]
Often, the first radio a new Ham buys is a handheld transceiver (HT). They’re relatively inexpensive and very flexible because handhelds can be used at home, in the car, and […]
Since the 1930s, Field Day has been an event to test the field preparedness and emergency communications (EMCOMM) abilities of the Amateur Radio community. Over the years, it has turned […]
To buy new or not to buy new, that is the question. If Hamlet had been an amateur radio operator (with a name like Hamlet, why not?), maybe he would […]
A group of us were sitting around a table at the local pizzeria, hashing out the details for the upcoming Field Day. Next on the agenda was antennas—and everyone had […]