Articles written by: Mark Haverstock, K8MSH

ldg antenna tuner box
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Antennas 101: Do You Really Need an Antenna Tuner?

There is nothing more misunderstood or misrepresented in the world of ham radio than the antenna tuner. According to many, they’re an indispensable accessory for your ham shack and a […]

Large array of ham radio antenna towers
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Outdoor Maintenance Tips (from the Ground Up)

My first Elmer was a laid-back guy. One of his philosophies about Ham equipment was, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” He was lucky most of the time, but […]

a large ham radio repeater antenna tower
Technical Articles

What is a Repeater and How Do You Use One to Communicate?

Want to get the best possible coverage in a marginal location, like inside a building or down in a valley? A repeater system can rebroadcast your transmitted and received signals […]

mobile vertical ham radio antenna and base
Technical Articles

Guide to Choosing the Right Mobile VHF/UHF Antennas and Mounts

You’ve got a mobile radio and separation kit. You’re ready to begin installation. Now comes the most important question—where do I mount the antenna? Sometimes I think it’s a conspiracy […]

a multi-tower ham radio antenna array
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles

Setting Up Multiple Antennas? 4 Tips on Avoiding Interference

Whether you’re operating at Field Day or a multi/multi contest station, one of the biggest problems is too many stations in a small area. So how do you control interference […]

telescoping tubing sections inside an antenna mast
Products & Product Reviews

How to Choose a Portable Mast

In the hobby of amateur radio, you can take it with you—on a hike to the mountains, vacations, parks, and Field Day. Lightweight radio gear is readily available, along with […]

man erecting a portable ham radio antenna
Amateur Radio News

Six Ways to Get New Members and Visitors Involved in Your Ham Radio Club

Radio clubs are the backbone of Ham Radio. They provide a valuable service by providing local Hams with the opportunity to meet each other and learn more about the hobby. […]

a handheld ham radio and charger
Products & Product Reviews

How to Choose a Handheld Transceiver

Often, the first radio a new Ham buys is a handheld transceiver (HT). They’re relatively inexpensive and very flexible because handhelds can be used at home, in the car, and […]

ARRL Field Day 2019 Logo
Technical Articles

Field Day Tips: How to Fine-Tune Your EMCOMM Skills During Field Day

Since the 1930s, Field Day has been an event to test the field preparedness and emergency communications (EMCOMM) abilities of the Amateur Radio community. Over the years, it has turned […]

ham radio flea market tables
HAM Radio 101 / Products & Product Reviews

The Age-Old Debate: New vs Used HAM Radio Equipment

To buy new or not to buy new, that is the question. If Hamlet had been an amateur radio operator (with a name like Hamlet, why not?), maybe he would […]