Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
Mother Nature must like Ham operators. We’ve been provided with an abundance of tall, non-conductive antenna supports—aka trees—which grow and flourish on their own. When it comes to wire antennas, […]
Products & Product Reviews
If you’re new to amateur radio, choosing among the various antenna connector types used for radios and antennas may be a bit confusing. They look similar and have cryptic names […]
Products & Product Reviews
Though the first coax cable was developed in the 19th century, it didn’t become popular with Hams until after World War II when war surplus was plentiful. Hams liked it […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
The dipole versus vertical question doesn’t really have a single “right” answer, and amateurs will offer different responses based on their individual preferences. It’s almost like the Ford versus Chevy […]
Antenna Tech / Technical Articles
We hear the question a lot: What are good antenna recommendations for use at my HOA restricted residence? Even if you live in a neighborhood that has an HOA, you […]
Technical Articles
One of the most fun activities in Ham radio is learning to build your own equipment. In the early years of amateur radio, long before factory-built equipment was easily available, […]
Technical Articles
You just got your Tech license and your call sign. Now what? The first mistake some new Hams make is not getting on the air as soon as possible. They […]
I’ve been a Ham since 1966, with some breaks in activity for college, family, and other responsibilities. Life happens, and it was almost fifteen years after getting my first license […]
Technical Articles
In the past, amateur radio license tests were conducted by FCC employees at federal office buildings. Today, the tests are offered by volunteer examiners (VE) who really do want you […]
Amateur Radio News
Taking a vacation day and staying home from work sounds like a really good idea—until it happens every day. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many Hams are staying home to […]