Articles written by: Mark Haverstock, K8MSH

close up of an icom S-meter
Technical Articles

Ham Radio Tech: RST vs. S-Meter Signal Reports—Which Is Better?

Everyone wants to know how their signal sounds on the air. Often, the best way to find out is to get a signal report from other ham radio operators. The […]

ham radio operator working at a field day station
Technical Articles

Tips on Coming Back to Ham Radio After Years of Inactivity

Have you considered returning to ham radio after a number of years off the air? Like many of us, you started out with a license and then life happened—job, family […]

magnet mount antenna on a car trunk
Antenna Tech

Ham Radio Tech: Ground Planes, Gains, and Automobiles—Insights on Mounting Mobile Antennas on Your Vehicle

The best mobile antenna money can buy isn’t any better than the ground plane it is mounted over. Remember the basic dipole—it needs two elements to be complete. Your vertical […]

Par EndFedz Antenna EF-8010
Antenna Tech

Resonant and Non-Resonant Amateur Radio Antennas–Which is Better?

When it comes to ham radio, choosing the right antenna is one of the most important decisions an operator will make. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of varieties: Yagis, […]

close of a ham radio fcc license, general
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: The Amateur Radio General Class License—Is It for You?

A General class amateur radio license is the middle level of three amateur radio operator licenses in the United States. It gives you access to most amateur radio bands and […]

a portable ham radio kit with logbook
Ham Culture & Entertainment

Did Parks on the Air (POTA) Save Ham Radio?

Several months ago I saw a non-ham friend at the park. During our chat, he happened to look at the call sign license plate on my SUV. “Ham radio? Are […]

dipole antenna
Antenna Tech

Ham Radio Tech: Guide to Building an Effective Dipole Antenna (& Answers to Common Dipole Questions)

Since the early days of radio, dipoles have been the go-to antennas for hams. They’re effective, inexpensive, and simple to make. But there’s more to building and installing one than […]

close up of rit button on an icom receiver
HAM Radio 101

Ham Radio 101: What Are the RIT-XIT Functions Used for on Your Transceiver?

As a newly licensed ham, you probably got started in amateur radio with VHF and UHF phone operation. A simple click gave you access to FM simplex channels and repeaters […]

n8dxe repeater against overcast sky
Ham Culture & Entertainment

Ham Radio Insights: Repeaters—the Sounds of Silence

Get on the Air and Make Some Noise—Advice on Increasing Local Repeater Activity Why are VHF and UHF repeaters so quiet much of the time? Where is everybody? When you […]

spare sections of coax cable in a storage bin
Cable & Coax Tech

Ham Radio Tech: What Do You Do with Excess Coaxial Cable?

When it comes to coax cable, most hams would agree that too much is better than not enough. Adding more cable on the fly is tough, especially when crawling around […]