Articles written by: Katie Campbell, KE8LQR

Katie Campbell, KE8LQR, earned her Amateur Extra license at the age of 11. Among other activities, she teaches youth Morse code through the Long Island CW Club; helps out with her school’s amateur radio club, K8LPS; is a member of YACHT (Young Amateurs Communications Ham Team); was a featured presenter at Contest University 2024; and is on the planning committee and PR team for the YOTA group.

ham radio operators working at keyboards at large station
Ham Culture & Entertainment

What Do Young Hams Do for Amateur Radio?

I’m sure the vast majority of hams have heard the quip, “Youth are ruining ham radio,” or something similar. I can assure you that I have. I can’t even begin […]

group of kids cheering in a formal photo shoot
Ham Culture & Entertainment

What Does Amateur Radio Do for Youth?

Surprisingly, most high school students would prefer not to spend their weekends in the basements (granted, basements furnished nicely with radios and, hopefully, amplifiers) of hams who will spend a […]

ham radio operators launching an observation balloon
Ham Culture & Entertainment

Youth On The Air Halifax 2024: Recapping a Memorable Amateur Radio Gathering

After seeing much success the first few years, Youth On The Air (YOTA) Camp in the Americas returned this past summer to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Approximately 30 campers from six […]