Articles written by: Elizabeth Klinc, KE8FMJ

Elizabeth Klinc, KE8FMJ, is District Emergency Coordinator, D3 Ohio ARES.

a mobile emcomm truck and trailer

EMCOMM: What is a Mobile Command Center?

EMCOMM often relies on portability. It is a huge factor for deployment in an emergency or disaster. So it would stand to reason that the next phase in portability and […]

ham radio band and frequency chart
FT8 / Technical Articles

FT8 vs. FT4: Ham Radio Operating in Digital Modes

FT4 and FT8 are weak-signal-condition digital protocols designed for rapid, accurate communication between amateur radio stations. Information exchanged in a contact typically consists of call signs, four-character Maidenhead locators, signal […]


EMCOMM: What is MARS and How Can You Get Involved?

The Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) started in November 1925 as the Army Amateur Radio System (AARS) to provide a pool of trained radio operators to augment the Signal Corps […]

FT8 Spectrum Analysis Screen Shot
FT8 / Technical Articles

FT8: Low Signal or Low Power?

It is always interesting to speak on controversial topics, and FT8 sure has had its fair share of controversy. There is one complaint in particular that keeps reappearing: How much […]

ARES Training Plan Book

EMCOMM: What is the ARES Task Book?

According to the ARRL… The Task Book is a working document that enables those ARES® communicators electing to participate in the ARRL training plan to track and document their training […]

FT8 / Technical Articles

FT8: Polite Operating Procedures for Ham Radio Operators

This is going to be a blog that not everyone will agree with. There are plenty of opinions  on the “correct” or “polite” way to operate, and that is perfectly […]

National Traffic System Logo
EMCOMM / Technical Articles

EMCOMM: What is the NTS?

The National Traffic System (NTS) is a field organization of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). It’s comprised of a network of amateur radio operators who relay messages throughout the […]

Signalink USB Ham Radio Sound Card module
FT8 / Technical Articles

FT8 Mode Basics—What is it and How Do I Get Started?

Joe Taylor, K1JT, announced the availability of a new mode in the WSJT-X software suite, FT8, on June 29, 2017. Created by K1JT and Steve Franke, K9AN, FT8 stands for […]

ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Service Logo
EMCOMM / Technical Articles

EMCOMM: ARES and RACES—What’s the Difference?

Emergency service programs are a staple of the Amateur Radio community. There can be some confusion about the roles of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES), which is the ARRL […]

HAM Radio 101

EMCOMM: The Value of Winlink in Emergency Communications

Winlink Global Radio Email®️, often referred to as just Winlink, is a worldwide radio messaging system that uses amateur-band radio frequencies and authorized government stations to provide radio pathway emails. […]