Articles written by: Elizabeth Klinc, KE8FMJ

Elizabeth Klinc, KE8FMJ, is District Emergency Coordinator, D3 Ohio ARES.

Amateur Radio Emergency Service Logo, March 2015
HAM Radio 101

EMCOMM: Taking a Look at Leadership Structure

Many systems have various types of leadership structures. EMCOMM is no different. For this purpose we shall focus on two types: the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) Field structure, as […]

EMCOMM / Technical Articles

EMCOMM: Why Interoperability Among Agencies is Critical During an Emergency

The ability to work together doesn’t always work well inside of an agency or an organization. So, when asking organizations or agencies to work and communicate together, chaos can ensue. […]

digital software radio log screen grab
EMCOMM / Technical Articles

EMCOMM: Ham Radio Digital Modes for Use During Emergencies

Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) supports and encourages the use of all communications modes to relay messages. This article aims to highlight a few digital modes. They are very accurate […]

Official Skywarn storm spotter placard
HAM Radio 101

EMCOMM: Getting Involved in the Storm Spotter Program

The SKYWARN program was developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) in the 1960s. Even though the NWS receives information from satellite, surface weather stations and Doppler radar, technology is […]

kids in vests near a parade event
HAM Radio 101

EMCOMM: Hams Making a Difference Through Public Service

What do you use your amateur radio license for? There are many ways to use ham radio; however, one very rewarding way is to serve the community. The Amateur Radio […]

emcomm team moving a large rug
HAM Radio 101

EMCOMM: What Does CERT Stand For and Why is It Important?

Per the U.S. government’s “Ready” website, the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program “educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in […]

NVIS signal propagation vs. DXing
Technical Articles

What is NVIS?

NVIS stands for Near-Vertical Incidence Skywave. It is used for local-to-medium distances on HF. This is the opposite of DX, which is meant for long distances. The radio waves from […]

Emergency Preparedness infographic
EMCOMM / Technical Articles

EMCOMM: Emergency Disaster Kits for Home and Car

Are you prepared for an emergency? During and after an emergency, you (and possibly your family) may need to survive on your own for an undetermined amount of time. Being […]

social media logo collage
HAM Radio 101

EMCOMM: The Importance of Social Media

Does social media have a place in the ham radio world? Some say they don’t need it because they have ham radio and it is all they will ever need. […]

EMCOMM / Technical Articles

EMCOMM: How to Stay Relevant with Increasing Communications Stability

Is emergency communications dying? With fewer young people joining the ranks, amateur radio is getting older. In addition, amateur radio continuously fights for its allocated spectrum. But what about emergencies? […]