Product Reviews

ACOM Solid State 500S Linear Amplifier—Video Review

If you’re thinking about enhancing your amateur radio performance, get a closer look at the features and benefits of the ACOM 500S Solid State Linear Amplifier, covering 160-4M (1.8 through 70.5 MHz*) with a power output of 500W (PEP or digital). Its compact (11.45″ W x 6.18″ H x 10.62″ D) and lightweight (17.2 pounds) construction makes it a great choice for DXpeditions and operations in the field.

ACOM 500S Solid State 160 – 4 Meter Linear Amplifier, front
(Image/DX Engineering)
ACOM 500S Solid State 160 – 4 Meter Linear Amplifier, back
(Image/DX Engineering)

Here are just a few of its many features:

  • Operating information is shown on a multi-function, high-resolution five-inch 24-bit color display
  • Unit can be controlled by either the six front-panel buttons or remotely
  • Intuitive screen menus for easy operation—no special skills required from the operator when changing frequency
  • Compatible with all transceiver models available on the market. Does not need any special signals; “ground on transmit” and less than 25W of RF drive power is sufficient.

With the help of DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist Michael Murphy, KI8R, watch firsthand how this compact amateur radio amplifier is loaded with ham-friendly capabilities. Anchor your shack with the rugged reliability of a solid-state RF amplifier—check out this review and see how the 500S is a versatile addition to the ACOM lineup.


See ACOM 500S Amplifiers available at, including models with 120VAC or 240VAC AC plugs already installed. Find the full range of ACOM amplifiers at

* Operation on the 4M band, 70-70.5 MHz is only legal in certain countries in IARU Region 1, many in Europe, plus Greenland. Operation is not authorized on this band in most of IARU Region 2 including North, Central and South America. This amplifier may be sold for use in any part of the world. Legal operation is the responsibility of the user.

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