While ARRL Field Day 2022, June 25-26, dominates the June ham radio operating calendar, there are plenty of other opportunities to fill your logbooks during this first month of summer, including digital, VHF, 6M, and 160M contests, plus a few hours set aside to share your love of ham radio and inspire a young person in your life to join in the adventure!
ARRL International Digital Contest: June 4, 1800Z to June 5, 2400Z. From the ARRL, here’s the contest’s objective: “Amateurs worldwide contact and exchange QSO information with other amateurs using any digital mode (excluding RTTY) that supports the 4-digit Grid Square exchange—attended operation only—on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 meter bands (Technicians are limited per FCC Rules to the 10 and 6 meter bands). Any station may work any other station. Stations may only be worked once per band, regardless of mode. Automated operation is not permitted—each claimed contact must include contemporaneous direct initiation by the operator on both sides of the contact.” Read the complete rules here.
KANHAM Contest: June 4, 0600Z to June 5, 0600Z. The object of this 12th annual CW/SSB contest is for “amateurs around the world to contact as many other amateurs in as many Japan prefectures as possible. Read the complete rules here. Japan is made up of 47 local entities known as prefectures—government bodies larger than villages, towns, and cities.

Battle of Carabobo International Contest: June 18, 0000Z to 2400Z: This annual event hosted by the Radio Club Valencia A.C. commemorates the Battle of Carabobo (June 24, 1821), the largest and most significant battle in Venezuela’s War of Independence. Last year’s event marked the bicentennial celebration of the battle. June 24 is known as Army Day in Venezuela.
ARRL June VHF Contest: June 11, 1800Z to June 13, 0259Z. For amateurs in the U.S. and Canada to work as many amateur stations in as many different 2 degree x 1 degree Maidenhead grid squares as possible using authorized frequencies above 50 MHz. All legal modes are permitted.
SMIRK Contest: June 18, 0000Z to June 19, 2359Z. Hams from around the world will be gathering on the air for SMIRK’s (Six Meter International Radio Klub) annual tribute to the “Magic Band.” From the group’s website: “It’s loads of fun. You can meet SMIRK members or become a SMIRK member during this contest. Just call ‘CQ SMIRK’ and you are sure to get some answers.”
Need to prepare? Read this OnAllBands blog post, “The Hows and Whys of Operating on Two Meters or Six During the Summer Months” by Sean Kutzko, KX9X. Plus, you’ll find loads of station upgrades for 6M operation at DXEngineering.com, including Butternut Antenna add-on kit, HF+6M linear amplifiers, antennas, and transceivers.
ARRL Kids Day: June 18, 1800Z to 2359Z. Here’s a great chance to introduce a son, daughter, or grandchild to the thrill of ham radio. Why not let the young people in your life experience the same excitement you felt when making your first QSOs? ARRL Kids Day is also an important time to remind ourselves that the future of ham radio rests in getting youth pumped up about the fun and practical aspects of this great hobby.
Check out these posts from OnAllBands blogger Sterling Mann, N0SSC:
All About YOTA—History, Present, Future
All Asian DX Contest, CW: June 18, 0000Z to June 19, 2400Z. Sponsored by the Japan Amateur Radio League, this annual event is for both Asian and non-Asian stations making CW QSOs on 160/80/40/20/15/10 meters. The All Asian DX, SSB contest will take place on September 3-4.
Stew Perry Topband Challenge: June 18, 1500Z to June 19, 1500Z. Hams can enter this annual 160 meter, CW-only contest as single operator or multi-operator; high, low or QRP power. High power is 1,500 watts output or whatever you can legally run in your country, whichever is less. Low power is 100 watts or less output. QRP is 5 watts or less, per the Stew Perry website. The challenge uniquely awards QSO point values based on distance between stations. Click here for complete rules.
Be sure to visit DXEngineering.com to enhance your 160M capabilities with 160M dipoles, high pass and low pass receive filters, pre-amps, feedline ferrite beads kits, ACB-4 Hybrid 4-Square Systems, phased array quarter wave tuned cables, 160M add-on kits, and DX Engineering’s 55-foot 160M THUNDERBOLT Vertical Antenna.
Also check out these State QSO Parties:
Kentucky: June 4, 1300Z to June 5, 0100Z
West Virginia: June 18, 1600Z to June 19, 0400Z