Amateur Radio News

CY9C 2024 Wrap-Up: Loads of ATNOs Delivered by St. Paul DXpedition Team

All of us at OnAllBands and DX Engineering would like to give a hearty “huzzah” to the entire CY9C St. Paul Island DXpedition team for helping thousands of hams worldwide record All Time New Ones and fill bands.

The 11-operator team made an impressive 114,842 CW, Phone, and Digital QSOs on 160 through 6 meters (including nearly 300 contacts via satellite) during their 10-1/2-day activation of uninhabited St. Paul. They manned multiple FlexRadio-based stations from St. Paul’s windswept and treeless Northeast Island site just off the coast of Nova Scotia until going QRT on September 5, 2024.

Kudos to the experienced operators who made it happen:

  • Craig, K9CT
  • Mike, K9NW
  • Adrian, KO8SCA
  • Pat, N2IEN
  • Lou, N2TU
  • Scott, NE9U
  • Dan, W4DKS
  • Glenn, W0GJ
  • Larry, W0PR
  • Murray, WA4DAN
  • Lee, WW2DX

As noted on the CY9C website, the successful activation required two helicopters and a boat to transport gear and operators to the island. The team experienced plenty of pileups, several days of “disturbed geomagnetic conditions” that limited QSOs, and windy but reasonably good weather. To help with the cost of the activation, CY9C asks “if possible, please be generous with donations.”

“Over four tons of gear, materials, and supplies were transported to St. Paul Island,” wrote Murray, WA4DAN.

Among this hefty load was equipment provided by sponsor DX Engineering, including:

CY9C DXpedition lighthouse shot with DX Engineering Banner

Hams everywhere offered praise for the team’s diligent efforts:

  • “Thank you for outstanding activity in challenging conditions! Made all missing bands covered!” wrote EY8MM on the CY9C Facebook page.
  • “CY9C far exceeded my expectations, given the competition and not an easy path. I managed only two bands SSB 40 and 10m, but (6b) 80-15m CW and (9b) 160-10m FT8. It took some work and a good station, but they were there to be worked,” wrote VK3HJ.
  • “Thanks again to all of the foundations, clubs, and individuals who supported the CY9C DXpedition,” WA4DAN wrote. “We could not have done it without your help and support!”

The team plans to send out a “beautiful, double-folded, six-panel QSL card,” per the website.


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