
South Orkney Islands DXpedition on the Horizon

With the VP6R Pitcairn Island DXpedition complete, DXers around the globe can turn their attention to an even rarer DXCC entity. Travel 4,500 miles southeast from Pitcairn Island to the northeast tip of the Antarctic Peninsula and you’ll run into South Orkney Islands, where the Perseverance DX Group will be using DX Engineering gear during the VP8/VP8DXU DXpedition slated for February 20 to March 5. While DX Engineering’s 160M vertical used on Pitcairn Island will not be making this trip, the South Orkney team will be relying on plenty of DX Engineering equipment, including:

This marks the first major activation of South Orkney Islands since January/February 2011. For more details, visit the team’s official website. Need help upgrading your station to work South Orkney Islandsthe 16th Most Wanted DXCC entity in North America (as of November) per ClubLog? You’ll find everything you need at DXEngineering.