QSL cards from the DX Engineering-sponsored 3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 DXpedition began arriving in mailboxes around the world in May. One of the recipients, Dave, N8NB, was kind enough to email us his card below. For Dave, a DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist and DXCC Honor Roll member, capturing the Bouvet Island QSO (February 9, 30M CW) in addition to reaching Crozet Island FT8WW 2023 left him with just four DXCC entities on his list: North Korea (#1), San Felix Islands (#5), Johnston Island (#8), and Turkmenistan (#23). Dave was one of several members of the DX Engineering team to record an ATNO with 3Y0J.
The card features a photo of 3Y0J team members from the operating site (Cape Fie), a magnificent photo of the island, closeups of the 3Y0J camp and gear, and a group of seals that don’t seem to be terribly excited about this rare encounter with two-legged visitors.

As a major equipment sponsor and supporter of this activation, DX Engineering was presented with something even rarer than a Bouvet QSL card. At Dayton Hamvention, members of the 3Y0J team, Adrian, KO8SCA, and Axel, DL6KVA, presented DX Engineering CEO Tim, K3LR, with a rock and some sand from Bouvet Island (below).