As we noted in our last article, hams are taking advantage of 10-meter openings to work some amazing DX during Cycle 25. Chances are this will continue as we reach the cycle’s peak and beyond. With this in mind, OnAllBands reached out to the experienced and active hams at DX Engineering for some suggested station upgrades to make sure you don’t miss out on setting some personal records for distance and inching closer to your DXCC.
As noted by Scott Jones, N3RA, DX Engineering sales manager, the primary way to improve your 10-meter prowess is with a 10-meter antenna of some variety, including Yagis, multiband verticals, dipoles, and mobile antennas.
“When 10 is open, it is pretty easy to work lots of people with almost any antenna,” he said. “Any radio, even those that are low power, can work people on 10M when the sunspot cycle is cooperating. So the Icom IC-7300, IC-705, and Yaesu FT-710 all can be successful.”

Icom IC-7300
There are numerous choices. To get you started on your search for the 10-meter upgrade that’s ideal for you, here are a few solid antenna options available at DX Engineering:
Par EndFedz EF-10: This end-fed half wave antenna covering 28.0-29.7 MHz measures 16 feet, 7 inches long and comes with match box coax connection at the end of the wire for convenient and quick stealth portable operations. It can be mounted horizontally, vertically, or as a sloper.
Five Stars: “Had a tiny time slice to get my newly licensed son eight hours away capable on 10 meters. This single-band EFHW was the perfect solution. Sealed the connection, pulled the end up with the rope and he was on the air. Great SWR, too, as expected. Recommended.”
Kelemen 10-Meter Wire Dipole: This 1,000W maximum power-rated “trap” dipole measures 16 feet, 4 inches long and comes fully assembled with a balun. The rugged yet lightweight antenna comes pre-tuned to the lower end of the band (CW) because it can easily be shortened for use on the phone (SSB) end of the band.
Hustler RM-10 Standard Resonator 10-Meter Band Whip: The resonator can handle up to 400W PEP. Using the included Allen wrench, whip position can be firmly set in the resonator whip tube with two 3/32 Allen set screws. Adjustments to this monoband mobile antenna allow you to achieve the lowest SWR for your operating frequency.
Moonraker Storm Master 1200 Base Station Antenna: This popular half-wave 18-foot, 1,000W power-rated vertical antenna features a tunable top-section stainless steel whip that is adjustable to the desired frequency from 25-30 MHz. Users can expect gains of 4.5 dBi. Along with the whip, it features three fiberglass sections and mounting bracket.
Butternut 6- and 9-Band Vertical Antennas: If you’d like to enjoy 10-meter coverage and a whole lot more, the 26-foot HF9V 9-band and HF6V 6-band antennas make excellent shack upgrades. They are both rated at 1,500W and have a well-earned reputation for durability, easy installation, and stellar performance. Read what owners of the HF9V have to say about the antenna in this OnAllBands article.
Hustler 4-, 5-, and 6-BTV HF Trapped Vertical Antennas: Each of these antennas (1,500W SSB, 1,000W CW) include 10-meter coverage and are ideal choices for high performance—with use of radials—when you’re dealing with space limitations. The tallest of them, the 6BTV, measures only 24 feet tall. As a bonus, you receive one of the most comprehensive instruction manuals you’ll find anywhere. Also available as a kit with radial plate, OMNI-TILT base, coaxial cables, clamps, hardware, and connectors.
Five Stars (5-BTV): “Totally fantastic antenna, would recommend to anyone. You don’t need a large backyard. No need to climb ladders to erect this antenna if you have it at ground level. I’m so happy on its performance; managed to get a 1.3 to 1.4 on all bands.”
EAntennas 2850MOX 10/6 Meter Moxon Antenna from WiMo: This 5.9-foot-boom antenna is an excellent choice for sporadic-E QSOs on 10 and 6 meters, as well as for local and regional weak-signal operations on SSB, CW, and Digital. The 2850MOX is a horizontally polarized directional antenna that offers high gain for its compact dimensions and a flat SWR curve over a wide bandwidth. Read about the ham who gave the Moxon its name in this OnAllBands article.
DX Engineering Skyhawk Tri-Band Yagi: This sturdy 20/15/10M antenna delivers great HF performance without the hassle of owning an antenna farm. Operating from a single feedline, the easy-to-assemble Skyhawk is built from heavy-duty aluminum and stainless steel hardware and has a 90 MPH wind survival rating. On 10 meters, the VSWR is less than 1.5:1 with a gain of better than 7.7 dBi across the band.
InnovAntennas DXR7, DXR6, DXR4, and DXR3 Multiband HF Yagis: These antennas provide proven performance with no traps, matching links or hairpins, only one feedline for all bands, use of high-quality materials, maintenance-free operation, and robust construction in a manageable size.
Beyond antennas (and we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s available!), DX Engineering carries amplifiers, reference materials (e.g., ARRL Antenna Book, ARRL Operating Manual, et. al.) that can give you plenty of ideas on working 10 meters; band-pass, low-pass, and high-pass receive filters; and more.