
August 2024 Guide to Ham Radio Contests

While not including any of the heavy hitters on the ham radio calendar, August is one of our favorite months at OnAllBands because it showcases the great diversity of amateur operating—everything from bouncing signals off the ionized trails produced by meteors to making two-way QSOs via the moon (both pursuits open to even Technician license holders).

You’ll also find ARRL’s Super High Frequency challenge and RTTY Rookie Roundup, along with State QSO Parties and another island chaser/activator opportunity for those who didn’t get their fill during July’s RSGB IOTA contest. Enjoy!


NRAU (Nordic Radio Amateur Union) 10M Activity Contest: August 1, 1800Z to 1900Z (CW); 1900Z to 2000Z (SSB); 2000Z to 2100Z (FM); and 2100Z to 2200Z (Digital). Here’s a great chance to take advantage of 10M openings compliments of Solar Cycle 25. Looking for gear to enhance your 10M capabilities? Click to read about some antenna upgrades available at 


European HF Championship: August 3, 1200Z to 2359Z. This contest organized by the Slovenia Contest Club offers three additional categories added in 2023: Single-Op-Unlimited, Single-Op QRP, and One-Band (160M-6M). Access the latest rules here.


ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest: August 3, 1800Z to August 4, 1800Z. Work as many stations as possible on the 222 MHz through 241 GHz bands using any allowable mode. A station in a specific grid locator may be contacted from the same location only once on each band, regardless of mode.


MMMonVHF/DUBUS 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest: August 10, 2200Z to August 12, 2159Z. MMMonVHF, in cooperation with the magazines DUBUS and Funk-Telegramm, invites you to take part in the 2024 edition of the “144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest.” Per the contest website, the Perseid meteor shower will be active until August 24. Its maximum is estimated to occur on Monday, August 12, between 1300 UTC and 1600 UTC. The contest site also notes that on August 12 around 0900 UTC, Earth will pass an old dust trail. Five more old trails, four of which are more than 1,300 years old, will be passed between 0400 UTC and 1100 UTC.

Called one of the “best shooting star displays of the year” by, the Perseid meteor shower is the result of the Earth passing through ice and rock left behind by the comet Swift Tuttle, which takes 133 years to orbit the Sun and had its closest approach to the Sun in 1992. It won’t return until 2125.

From the NASA website, “When comets come around the sun, the dust they emit gradually spreads into a dusty trail around their orbits. Every year the Earth passes through these debris trails, which allows the bits to collide with our atmosphere where they disintegrate to create fiery and colorful streaks in the sky.”

This is a great chance to take a crack at one of the coolest aspects of the hobby. Better yet, it’s an activity that’s open to Technician license holders. For other ideas on getting the most from punching your ticket, check out this article by OnAllBands blogger Sean Kutzko, KX9X, on 15 Things to Do with a Technician License.

Here’s another way to get involved in the excitement. Founded in 1988, the International Meteor Organization is a collection of meteor observers from around the world who ensure “the comprehensive study of meteor showers and their relation to comets and interplanetary dust,” per the group’s website. Check out how to become a member.


YB Bekasi Merdeka Contest: August 10, 1200Z to August 11, 1159Z. This SSB-only, single-operator 80/40/10M contest commemorates the anniversary of Indonesian independence from Japan (August 17, 1945). The event is sponsored by the Indonesian Amateur Radio Organization.


Kentucky State Parks on the Air: August 10, 1400Z to 2200Z. The Murray State University Amateur Radio Club (MSUARC) is sponsoring its annual Kentucky State Parks on the Air event. Activators will have an opportunity to operate from the Bluegrass State’s 50 parks and nine national sites, while chasers can make CW, SSB, and Digital QSOs with hams enjoying the diversity of the state’s outdoor areas.


Keymen’s Club of Japan Contest: August 17, 1200Z to August 18, 1200Z. Formed in 1976, the Keymen’s Club of Japan is devoted to promoting CW operation on the amateur bands. Find club history and contest rules at the KCJ website.


SARTG WW RTTY Contest: August 17, 0000Z to 0800Z and 1600Z to 2400Z; August 18, 0800Z to 1600Z. This annual RTTY-only event is sponsored by the Scandinavian Amateur Radio Teleprinter Group.


ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest: August 17, 0900 to August 19, 0759. If you’re a fan of operating on the Super High Frequency (microwave) spectrum, this is your chance to shine. North American amateurs will attempt to contact as many stations in as many different locations as possible in North America on bands from 10 GHz (3-centimeter) through Light. Amateurs are encouraged to operate from more than one location during this event. Contesters may enter in either “10 GHz only” or “10 GHz and Up” categories. The second weekend of the contest will be September 21-22.

For those interested in 10 GHz operation, you’ll find the Icom IC-905 VHF/UHF/SHF All Mode Base/Portable Transceiver at The rig boasts operating capability up to 10 GHz with the optional CX-10G Transverter (sold separately).


North American QSO Party, SSB: August 17, 1800Z to August 18, 0559Z. All amateur licensees are eligible to work as many North American stations as possible during the 12-hour contest period. The CW portion of the contest runs August 3, 1800Z to August 4, 0559Z.


ARRL Rookie Roundup, RTTY: August 18, 1800Z to 2359Z. From the ARRL, the Rookie Roundups “encourage newly-licensed operators (“Rookies”) in North America (including territories and possessions) to operate on the HF bands and experience competitive Amateur Radio operating. Experienced operators (“Non-Rookies”) are strongly encouraged to participate and help new operators—either on the air or in person.”


ARRL EME Contest: August 24, 0000Z to August 25, 2359Z. The object of this annual event is to work as many amateur stations as possible via the earth-moon-earth path on any authorized amateur frequency above 50 MHz. August 24-25 and September 21-22 are designated for 2.3 GHz and up. October 19-20 and November 16-17 are for 50 to 1296 MHz.


ALARA Contest: August 24, 0600 to August 25, 0559Z. The Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association will be hosting the 44th ALARA Contest, an SSB/CW event in which YLs may contact anyone while OMs may only contact YLs on all HF bands except 160M and WARC bands. Formed in 1975, ALARA boasts a membership of more than 200 operators, with many members sponsoring operators overseas. ALARA’s mission is to “encourage women’s interest in and active participation in amateur radio.”


The U.S. Islands QSO Party: August 24, 1200Z to August 25, 0300Z. Previously known as the W/VE Islands QSO Party, the U.S. Islands QSO Party “promotes verifiable amateur radio contacts with stations located on islands in the United States and its Territories and Protectorates.” This 15-hour SSB/CW/Digital event offers two classes (QRP, 5 watts or less) or QRO (greater than 5 watts), and several categories: Island Fixed, Island Rover, and Non-Island.

Now in its 30th year, the U.S. Islands Awards Program centers around activating and chasing U.S. river, lake, and shore islands. Thinking about activating an island? Here’s a state-by-state U.S. island directory.


Also check out these state QSO parties:

  • Maryland-DC: August 10, 1400Z to August 11, 0400Z
  • Hawaii: August 24, 0400Z to August 26, 0400Z
  • Ohio: August 24, 1600Z to August 25, 0400Z
  • Kansas: August 24, 1400Z to August 25, 0200Z; August 25, 1400Z to 2000Z
  • Colorado: August 31, 1300Z to September 1, 0400Z

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